Saturday, November 3, 2007

Closer to snuggling...

caitinc I just laid down my needles and finished the front of Banff. I can't believe I got this piece done in only a week. I think I really will get this done before I go home for break! Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it much this weekend, as I must dedicate myself to homework- -a philosophy paper and religion project (sometimes I wish these classes were one and the same...I hate having to do two similar projects). I suppose the break will be good for my fingers--they are feeling a bit tired after working so hard this week. 

Here are some pictures of the front
Here's a picture of the front piece:

and a close-up again of the details:

I can't wait to get started on the sleeves! Maybe I'll take advantage of this homework-forced break to catch up on some of my video games. I just downloaded the demo for Eternal Sonata, and I am just itching to get a taste!
I'm in: in bed
Feeling: accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: The Eels--Novocaine for the Soul

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