Saturday, December 1, 2007

Grandma's Sweater

caitinc I haven't made too much progress on Banff yet ;_; but that's because I've been looking for a pattern to make for my grandma's Christmas present. Originally my mom and aunt thought Banff was coming out so well that I should just make another one for my grandma. However, later on my mom decided that the sleeves might be too big. I've been looking for another pattern, but was not finding one that I liked. So, I've altered Banff to make it smaller. The sleeves are narrower and a bit shorter. The length should still be the  
same, although the chest size is smaller. I've found a beautiful lilac yarn to knit it up in, and I can't wait to get started. Unfortunately Macomb is covered in ice right now so driving is not doable. I'll post again once Banff is finished and to let you know how my modified Banff is coming along. 

My modified pattern, so far
Here is my modified version of Banff. Mind you, this has been done only on paper, and with assumptions on the size. Please feel free to critique, as I want to make sure it will work out. I feel the only problems so far will be the size, but as my grandma is a small lady, I think it will be ok. As it is, with the assumed measurements, it would fit me, although be a bit snug. Knowing that my grandma is smaller than me I think it will work.

Modified Banff
Materials:uses size 10 needles
4-5 skeins lion brand homespun (170 g)--will know for sure upon completion

42" chest
22" long--if I did my math right
13.5" sleeves--length unknown, but assumed to be 1.5" less than original small

CO 72 st (144 st to knit in the round)
32 20 rows: 2x2 ribbing
switch to st st, and increase 4 stitches evenly across row (76 st): (k14, inc, k13, inc, k14, inc, k13, inc, k14)x2
33 49 rows: st st
switch to knitting flat with first 76 st
BO first four stitches at beginning of next two rows*
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 17 times (34 rows), leaving you with 34 st

Right Shoulder:
as per original pattern

Left Shoulder:as per original pattern

FRONTwork as back to *
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 11times (22 rows), leaving you with 46 st

Left Shoulder:
as per original pattern

Right Shoulder:
as per original pattern

SLEEVES (make 2)CO 60 62 st (knit flat not round)
16 rows: 2x2 ribbing
k2, [p2 tog, k2, p2, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 18 st, [k2, p2, k2, p2 tog]x2, k2 (56 st)
7 1 rows modified ribbing: k2, [p1, k2, p2, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 16 st, [k2, p2, k2, p1]x2, k2
k2, [p1, k2, p2 tog, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 16 st, [k2, p2 tog, k2, p1]x2, k2 (52 st)
7 rows modified ribbing: k2, [p1, k2, p1, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 14 st, [k2, p1, k2, p1]x2, k2
switch to st st, and increase 4 stitches evenly across row (56 st): k10, inc, k9, inc, k10, inc, k9, inc, k10
47 rows: st st
BO first four five stitches at beginning of next two rows*
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 20 times (40 rows), leaving you with 8 st
continue per original pattern

Block  all pieces and seam as per original pattern: Banff by Jena Wilson

as per original pattern, but only work through first decrease section, then bind off
(6 rows less than original pattern, which continues beyond this point)
begin as per original pattern, picking up 72 stitches. Knit for 6 rounds.
On next row, decrease as such: k2, (k2 tog, k6)x9
Knit for 3 more rows then bind off.

I may actually attempt to knit this pattern in the round. The changes are rather obvious, and once I get to the decrease rows I will be switching back to flat knitting. If I notice any changes from this modified knitting style, I will adjust my modified pattern accordingly. I recommed using the original pattern, but if you are interested in an even smaller version, this is my go at it.

Edit 12/08:
Upon beginning this project, I realized I had miscalculated. All of my adjusted cast-ons are 2 st short. Adjusting the whole pattern would have been very time-consuming since adding those 2 st would make everything else off when it comes to the decrease rows. To fix this problem, I have just been knitting it in the round, as per my original alterations (obviously doubling the st on the body, and repeating the 4 st increase row for 8). As per my note above, I am switching to flat knitting once I reach the underarm area. The only difference now is that the underarm may be 8 st instead of 6 st (I will know better once I get there). Just thought I would share. Cheers!

Edit 12/13:
I made some changes to the actual pattern to reflect my previous mistake, and also to change the ribbing.

Edit 12/22:
I changed the ribbing on the sleeves. I made it shorter and eliminated some of the increasing/decreasing sections. Overall it is shorter, but it turns outit comes just past the wrist instead of to the finger tips (on me at least). I also switched to knitting the sleeves flat, so I added two stitches and at the bind of section added one ot each side.

Edit 1/5:
I changed the style of the neck. I kept it through the first decrease section but adjusted how many rows I used. I also switched to knitting instead of 2x2 ribbing. I didn't particularly care for how the ribbed neck looked on my first sweater. Also this way it should be more of a crew neck, or at least not so high.
I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: creativecreative
Listening to: Motteke Seeraa Fuku (Lucky Star Theme)

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