Sunday, November 18, 2007

caitinc Today marks the start of my week off from school. I will be spending it at home, so I am very excited. I cannot wait until Thanksgiving dinner--it is always so much fun. We all make potato buns (a secret family recipe), my mom makes homemade stuffing, and my dad makes homemade cranberry sauce (much much better than that canned stuff!).  We usually just do it at home with the six of us, but this year we may have some visitors--yay!

This weekend my family and I drove up to Baraboo, WI to visit my aunt. She owns a boutique called The Widow's Peek on the town square. We came to visit for the Holly Jolly Light Parade. Every year Baraboo does this parade,and it is quite fun. During the day there are carriage rides, carolers, Santa Claus, and shop specials. Each shop usually does some sort of promotion, and then they have Christmas goodies for the customers. Last year we did Butter Beer (from Harry Potter!), and cranberry cider. This year we just did normal apple cider. There were also cookies---yum! Once night falls there is a parade, mostly made up of floats that are covered in Christmas lights and decorations. I even brought my light-up contact ball for some road-side contact juggling. I wasn't able to get too many pictures since it was so dark, but there were a few good ones.

See the lights!

and the crowd:

While I was in the shop, I worked on Banff. I haven't been working too much on it lately. With all the school projects before break, I have not had much time. I am halfway done with the second sleeve, and I cheated and seamed everything up already (I just couldn't wait!). I worked on the sleeve a little yesterday in the gallery, and I got many compliments on my work (some by experienced knitters!) I don't know if I'll make much progress for the rest of the week though---there is a lot to do at home!

So close to completion...
I spent last night out with my cousin--it was so much fun. Our families were estranged for about 10 years, so we hadn't seen eachother since we were about 8 (she's only a year and a half older than me). We met back up in 2003, but the two of us are pretty different people and go our own ways. So, we finally hung out for the first time in forever last night. She lives on the square across from her mom's shop, so we didn't need to go far. We spent the night bar hopping around town, and she introduced me to a few new drinks. Overall, it was a great night. I hope we get to do it again.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully next time, I'll have a finished Banff and a new project on my needles. My mom and aunt suggested I make a sweater for my grandma as a Christmas gift this year. I think 5 weeks or so should be ample time, given my progess with Banff (provided I don't take a week-long hiatus again ^_^).
I'm in: St Charles
Feeling: jubilantjubilant
Listening to: Trans-Siberian Orchestra--Carol of the Bells

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where are my sleeves?

caitinc So I haven't been working on Banff all too much this past week. I spent most of the weekend working a paper, plus my thumb was bugging me so I figured my hands could use a break. Then this weekend a buddy of mine came over to visit, so I spent Friday cleaning, and then hung out with him and the boyfriend. I've just gotten back to it though. It was slow progress, the little I did work this week, especially since I had no idea how to 
m1p. I found plenty of directions for m1k, so I just reversed it. Later on, I found directions telling me the same thing, but it just doesn't seem right. I get a small hole in my knitting using this method. 

What the increase looks like in my knitting
I guess that since it's ribbing, it will be ok and not really show up. I just don't like that method. I was wondering if there is an increase for purling like there is for knitting where you just make a second stitch tbl.  I'm already past this point in the pattern about half-way done with the sleeve), so it doesn't matter too much as I'm going to knit the second sleeve the same way. I was just curious for future reference. 

The sleeve so far
In the mean-time, while I've been slacking on my knitting, I came across this great anime. It's hasn't made its way to America yet, although it has been bought by Bandai, but a friend had a fansubbed copy. It's pretty entertaining--I just love it! It doesn't really have a plot; it more or less follows these four girls through their highschool career. The main character, Konata, is obsessed with video games, manga, and anime--and she's a super shorty! (Reminds me of myself, although I am not quite as obsessed.) I would definitely recommend it (I'm going to corrupt my sisters when I go home ^_^).

Speaking of which, I go home Friday--for 10 days! I'm so excited (can't you tell?). Too bad for turtle though, his tank got a leak and I had to go out and find a new caulk for it, clean it out, and rebuild it. So he has been stuck in a travel tank for a week or two now, and he just got back into his big tank. Now, I have to take him out to go home into a smaller tank that has not been properly set up with a water section, like his one in my apartment.

A picture of turtle's tank, for visual explanation

That stained glass turtle on the tank was made as birthday gift for me by my little brother (he's only 14!). It's so cool that I didn't want it covered up by my blinds, plus my brother is rather pleased with the location because now "the stained glass turtle has a friend."

And here are some pictures of my little cutie:
He'll be ok for a week or so in a smaller tank though. At least a 10 gallon tank is a big step up from his travel tank. Plus, now that my dad is on his feet (yes, he can walk on both feet using a cane now! He even goes for car rides ^_^), he can probably help me build another water section for the smaller tank. And now that I found aquarium caulk, it won't fall apart on me like the last one and need to be rebuilt. There is just so much to do once I get home: build another water section for turtle, cook and have Thanksgiving with my family, decorate for Christmas (we do this early ^_^), make test ornaments (you'll hear more about this later), and so much other fun stuff with family and friends, not to mention some packing and cleaning from the basement flood as well as to prepare for winter at school. Next week is going to be packed.

This week is pretty busy too. I have another philosophy paper to write for Friday, which could take a while since I haven't finished the book it's on yet. I also want to get Banff finished to take home and show off (or at least block the pieces, I can sew it up and do the neck in the 4 hour car ride home, I'm sure). Then there's packing to do--I have so much to bring home. Oh well, for now cookies for the car ride home. I'll see you soon, and hopefully with a finished sweater!

I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: boredslacking
Listening to: Porno Graffitti--Mugen

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Closer to snuggling...

caitinc I just laid down my needles and finished the front of Banff. I can't believe I got this piece done in only a week. I think I really will get this done before I go home for break! Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it much this weekend, as I must dedicate myself to homework- -a philosophy paper and religion project (sometimes I wish these classes were one and the same...I hate having to do two similar projects). I suppose the break will be good for my fingers--they are feeling a bit tired after working so hard this week. 

Here are some pictures of the front
Here's a picture of the front piece:

and a close-up again of the details:

I can't wait to get started on the sleeves! Maybe I'll take advantage of this homework-forced break to catch up on some of my video games. I just downloaded the demo for Eternal Sonata, and I am just itching to get a taste!
I'm in: in bed
Feeling: accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: The Eels--Novocaine for the Soul