Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Studio Ghibli Swap

It's been a while since my last swap--time to get back into the game! I've been waiting for the Studio Ghibli swap to come back around and am super excited to participate in it. One of our lovely mods is also keeping track of the questions within the swap board, if people are referencing my post for an up-to-date list. Now on to the usual stuff...

Pre-Questionnaire Questions
Official Questionnaire
Supplementary Questions from the Group
Neat Ghilbi Items Shared by Swappers

Pre-Questionnaire Questions

Favorite Movie(s): Howl's Moving Castle, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service

Which character are you? You're Ponyo! You are willing to look away from your parent's orders to be with the ones you love. You'd even change your lifestyle, just to be with them. You are very extroverted and love learning new things.

What are your top 2 or 3 films? Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Howl’s Moving Castle

Who are your top 2 or 3 characters? Howl, Haku, Jiji

What films have you not seen, or do not own? (own, would like to own, do not want to own, have seen, have not seen)
I have seen… Ponyo, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Nausicca: Valley of the Wind, and Princess Mononoke
Of those, I own… Howls, Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Kiki’s Delivery Service
I would like to own… Laputa: Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro
I would not like to own… This doesn’t really apply. Maybe one’s I haven’t seen yet, just because I do not know if I like them, but really I’d love to own any.
I have not but would like to see… Grave of the Fireflies, The Secret World of Arrietty, Tales from Earthsea, and really all the rest but I really want to see these ones

What endears you to Ghibli? I love the worlds, they are so innocent and full of wonder. I also love all the magic, whether it is outright, spiritual, or just hinted at by the mechanics of the world.

Does Ghibli remind you of any other art, movies, or series that you enjoy? I really love anime and manga, and grew up on it, so it reminds me of the earlier art styles and my childhood (like Astroboy).

Do you own any music from the films? Would you like to? I do not, but I would be ok with changing that

Official Questionnaire

Are you willing to ship internationally? Sure
Have you ever had another user name on Ravelry? If so, what? nope

Do you have any Allergies to Cats/Smoke/Anything else? - please list everything smoke
Do you have any Allergens that may make it into your box. This is anything that OTHER people might be allergic to that you have in your home. - please list everything pets
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? 2 dogs: minpin and chihuahua
If you have fluffy pets, can you keep their fluffies out of your handmades/yarn/package? yes, I can keep everything at my work
If you or anyone in your household smokes inside/outside? Can you keep the smoke out of your work/yarn? no smoking at this house :)
Is there anyone here that you have swapped with (sent to or received from) before? (if its still a secret, you can PM this information!) No, but cassieinc is my sister and we live together :)
Do you have shipping preferences/additional mailing/delivery instructions that your partner had better know about, or if you may intend to change address? nope

Do you knit/crochet/spin/weave/something else? knit & crochet. I have the basics for drop spindling but haven’t started it yet. I also dabble in needle felting.
Coffee: coffee maker, single cup cone, french press, iced, hot? LOVE mocha lattes, but it has to be decaf :( No fancy machines here, just a regular coffee pot.
Tea: pot, cup, loose, bag, iced, hot? Um…all? As long as it is decaf, any kinds of tea (I love trying new kinds, although tend to lean towards herbal and fruit). I can handle loose or bags and have a small pot as well.
Snack/Flavor preferences – salty and /or sweet suggestions: I love Chocolate, the darker the better. I also like Pocky and Pretz (they seem theme appropriate, no?), and all manner of salty things (like pretzels, nuts…chocolate covered and I’m in heaven! lol)
Fragrance preferences likes/dislikes: Japanese Cherry Blossom is probably my favorite, but I also like Sweet Pea, Jasmine, Lilac, Lavender, Cotton Blossom, and Eucalyptus. I’m not a big fan of peppermint, but other than that as long as it doesn’t smell like a cleaning product I am not too picky.
Which post in the Wish List thread is yours (indicate number and link)?If you haven’t made one yet, please post here and make sure it is up to date Page 1, Post #14
Do you have any wishlists at any online stores (link)? I have some generic fiber craft ones linked in my wishlist, but ones that may apply more specifically to this swap include J-List.
Can you think of anything else your partner should know? Not at the moment…this is a pretty thorough questionnaire!

Favourite yarns: Nerd Girl Yarns, Lorna’s Laces, Mirasol, Claudia Handpainted Yarns
Favourite fibres: Alpaca or alpaca blends
Favourite colour (ONE): Blue
Favourite colour in combo with your Favourite colour: Green, Burgundy, Tan, Cream, Grey/Silver
Any other favourite things you wish to divulge: I love turtles

Least favourite fibres: Scratchy acrylic or wool…as long a it’s soft I am pretty happy
Least favourite colours: Pink I guess, although it is ok in combinations
Other least favourite “things” and/or have enough of: peppermint flavored stuff

What is your all time favourite Ghibli movie? Why? This is a tough one. It’s kind of a tie between Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Howl’s Moving Castle. I like the idea of legendary places coming to life, and I love magical worlds.
What is your all time favourite Ghibli character? Why? I ‘ll always have a soft spot for Howl and Haku, but I really lean towards the snarky supporting characters of Jiji and Calcifer when it comes to picking a favorite.
Are there any Ghibli movies you just don’t like? Why? Not that I’ve run across yet.
What was the first Ghibli movie you ever saw? When did you see it? Either Laputa: Castle in the Sky or Kiki’s Delivery Service. I was pretty young when they both came out so I’m not sure which is first, but they are my iconic Ghibli movies.
Why do you love Ghibli movies? I love the innocent, wondrous worlds portrayed in the movies--they take me to a happy place. I also love that the stories can transcend the ages. I still enjoy them as an adult, and I know children that enjoy them and understand the messages.

Have you read the rules page and the rules thread? If you have read them before, please read them again. Yes
Do you understand that check in is mandatory on the required dates listed at the top of this thread? Yes
Do you understand that posting a “Thank You” (in the thank you thread) is mandatory upon receipt of your package (pictures can be added at a later date)? Yes
Do you understand that it is mandatory to PM knitknitmama or ommphalous your Delivery Confirmation # or Customs Form number upon shipping? Yes
Do you know what you will need to do if you are unable to complete this swap and what will happen to your ability to swap with us in the future if you do not follow some/any/all of the rules? Yes
Do you know who to contact in case of a swapping emergency? If you need more details from your spoilee? If you are going to miss a check-in? If your head starts spinning from the awesomeness of Ghibli? Yes


January 5: Post your questionnaire and pm your info to the mods

January 12: Any chatter starting Jan. 7th in this thread counts for the Jan. 12th check-in date. Please remember that missing 1 check-in will get you a warning, but if you miss 2 you will be removed from the swap and put on the naughty list. This will include not sending the Mod(s) your DC# (required for shipping within the US) or the Customs form number if shipping internationally. As well as posting a detailed thank you in the main thread when your package from your spoiler arrives.

January 26: Any chatter posted in the thread starting Jan. 21st counts towards that check-in on Saturday Jan. 26th. Remember 1 late check-in gets a warning and 2 will get you removed from the swap and on the naughty swappers list.

Mailing addresses - will be PM’d to you after EVERYONE has checked in for the 3rd (2/9) check-in. So if everyone is checked in prior to that date you will get them earlier in the week. But expect them by 2/10 at the latest. :)

February 9: All chatter in the thread starting Monday 2/4 will count towards this date. Once everyone has checked in Ommphie or I will PM mailing addresses. IF you are not able to post in the thread at all this week shoot one of us a PM and it will count as your check-in. Please do not think we know what is going on or that it is cool to not post. It never hurts to shoot us a PM if you think there might be a slight chance of you not being around to post. We Mods are totally cool with heads up but you going AWOL mid swap is never cool. /end soapbox schpeel

February 16 23: It’s that time again folks - check-in! Last one before mailing begins :) Well technically mailing already began for an international package - who will the lucky recipient be?

All posts (or PMs) this week starting today check you in for the Sat. 2/23 date. If you feel you will miss this date a PM is most welcome :)

February 28: Mail by today

Supplementary Questions from the Group

What are your favorite Ghibli creatures? the soot sprites, kodama

Rank the following items in the order you would prefer/be most excited to receive: crafting supplies (needles, yarn, notions, etc.), wearables (mitts, hats, etc.), decoratives/knick-knacks (posters, cups/mugs, boxes, etc.), toys (plushies, gifts for pets/children, etc.), and media (books/DVDs/music)
Toughie, but here goes:
1) wearables
2) media
3) toys
4) supplies
5) decorative items

Which couple is your favorite? mmm...tough. Maybe Sophie/Howl, but at the end of the movie.

Wonders if her spoilee would like a handmade basket of spa goodies? (makes lip balm, lotion bars, bath bombs and sugar scrubs) That would be cool! I go through lotion and lip balms like mad. I've never used a sugar scrub though...or bath bombs really. I miss taking baths, but it's tricky to do when you share a bathroom with 3 people.

Would you like a Studio Ghibli-themed painting or sketch? If you would, what size would you like (3” by 6”, 8.5” by 12,” etc)? Yes! I love stuff like this. Size? Hmm...maybe smaller like the 3x6, then I can tuck it onto my shelves of anime and manga n_n

Would you like a box, or usable tea cup/mug, painted with figures from one of the Ghibli films? Yes. Either. I love trinket boxes and seem to never get sick of mugs.

Would you use a Ghibli-themed stamp? (the kind you ink and press onto things) On occasion I use stamps. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to receiving one.

Do you hexipuff? If you do, would you like to receive completed hexipuff(s), or would you like to receive a hand-assembled kit of mini-skeins for hexipuffing? I do...intermittently lol. Finished hexis (oh man, especially themed!) or miniskeins would both be cool. Although if you make some, I am not stuffing mine and I believe they are about 2.75" across at row 10. I'll check when I get home.

Would you be interested in any Japanese/Asian foods? Yes! I love Japanese snacks and food. Pocky and Pretz are my favorites. Chocohorns are awesome too, but I don't know how well pastries would ship lol. I'm not big into fish/shrimp flavors, but anything else food/snack/mix-wise would be neat.

Do you like/need stitch markers? What type? (clip on, circle, clay…) Need? No. Like? Yes! I love stitch markers, especially pretty, fancy, or unique ones. Most of what I have are rings, so perhaps clips would be nice because then I could use them on my crochet or knitting.

Do you need/collect any random notions? (buttons, measuring tapes, tins…) I have a slew of tape measures, but they still seem to disappear whenever I need one. I love buttons though, and actually don't have any so that would be fun. Tins are always cool and I can usually find a purpose for them...those little tins with knitting/crochet emergency kits are also pretty neat.

Anyone into Ghibli/anime cosplay and would like to receive items for that? Contact lenses, fake eyelashes, wigs, Arrietty hair clip, make up etc? I don't cosplay but hope to one day. I can't wear contacts (Dr.'s orders ::sad face::), but hair clips, hats, and jewelry would be cool. Or really any other small accessory type item.

I might try glass-etching, would you like a glass or two with figures from Ghibli films? Yes! I actually just favorited some Ghibli etched glasses on etsy the other day...usually I lean towards pints and shots, but I would love any glass you choose n_n

What sort of hand knits would you like to receive? Hmm...probably fingerless mitts/gloves as I am always freezing at work, although regular mittens/gloves are awesome too. I am also a big fan of hats and may or may not have a sock obsession >.>  <.<

Do you like any of the following:
stickers? they're ok, but I don't find much use for them
cards? like playing cards (since stationary is listed next), then yes
stationery? I can always find a use for this
keychains? yes, but I like smallish ones (like 2 inches tall or less)
reusable bags? definitely, especially if I can fit a project into one
silhouettes? sure
jewelry? yes, but I lean more towards simple/dainty versus large/ornate. You can find my measurements here.
Jamieson-style yarn? (eg, on the sheepy, arguably scratchy side) not so much...I love wool, but the more "scratchy" wool irritates my skin

Would you like a t-shirt, for instance Totoro nouveau? If so, what size? I live in t-shirts when I'm not at work. The Totoro Nouveau is definitely my style (see next section n_~). I usually order a Women's XL from the T-shirt sites (RipT, Snorg, TeeFury, Threadless), except for Woot who changed their shirts so I get a Women's L there.

Dear spoilee, didya buy the totoro nouveau shirt? Or should I get it for you? I did not buy it, but I don't know if you can buy it still... I would enjoy it though

Do you like lace? If a shawl were to arrive for you what shape/size do you prefer? Ooooo lace! I like the crescent shaped shawls best. As for long as it can go over my shoulders I will be happy, or wide enough to wrap around my neck kerchief-like.

Do you have any gadgets that you would like a Ghibli themed cover for? (iPhone/kindle/camera etc) Sure. Probably kindle...or laptop, but I'm hoping to get a new one this year sometime (granted I want an expensive one, so it will likely b end f this year). Gadgets and said measurements are listed here :)

Glasses/contact lens wearers: would you be interested in receiving glasses/contact lens cases with a Ghibli theme? A Ghibli glasses case would be awesome!

Would you be interested in some Ghibli theme bento stuff? OMG Yes! I love bento...and at some points (read: when I'm not being lazy) I pack them for work.

Hat: beanie or slouchy? Oooo any? I really love hats. But I suppose if I had to choose, I would say slouchy.

Gloves: mittens, gloves, or fingerless gloves? Why are you asking hard questions?! I love them all. I suppose order of preference would be fingerless gloves (because I work in an ice box!), mittens, gloves.

Neck: scarf, cowl, or shawlette? Not a fan of cowls...I don't like things close up around my neck (at least not things I can't adjust quickly, such as a cowl which is rather set). Probably scarves more so than shawlettes, but really I would like and wear either.

and measurements please!
head: 21 inches
hands: 6.25 inch wrist, 7.25 inch palm, 7 inch length
More measurements here!

How would you classify your sense of humor? (slapstick, romcom, ironic, dark, nonexistent) Umm...probably demonic? lol I can be a tad evil in my humor. More ironic and dark I suppose. Not that I don't enjoy slapstick/romcom, but they can be overbearing, and my personality does not lend towards that type of humor from me.

Illustrated anatomical diagrams: cool or super gross? (yes, I have a possible plan behind this question) Cool!

Do you like nailpolish? I don't wear it often.

Do you like any of the following:
origami (doing or receiving)? Yes! I've been into origami since I was 6. Making, receiving, it's all awesome.
small ceramics for sauces or used tea bags? That could be neat. My mom is building me up a collection of Japanese style dishes, but I do have rather few sauce dishes.
chopsticks? Yes...I always misplace mine when I need them too! Plus...bento!
embroidery (doing or receiving)? I do embroidery on occasion. Receiving something embroidered would be pretty neat.
fabric (esp. fat quarters of printed cotton)? I do have a small collection and would not necessarily be opposed to more, although when it would get used I cannot guarantee. If you want to make me something that would be cool too.

What type of knitting needles do you prefer? (bamboo, metal, square, double-pointed, circular) Bamboo or Birch are my favorite needle materials. I'm becoming rather enamoured with Addi Turbos when it comes to circs. I don't have a circ/dpn preference per say (they each have their uses), but I am starting to prefer circs over straights. I only have one pair of square dpns, but they are pretty neat.

Would you like to receive onigiri molds in your swap package? Sure. I only have triangle ones

Would you like a pair of socks? If so, feet measurements plz?omg yes please! I love socks n_n As always, measurements here, but I’ll post sock specific ones too: 7.75 inches long and 8.5-9 inches around (ankle & ball). Usually I wear a US kids 3 or 4.

Do you like pins? very much

I’m trying to decide what to make you! Could you please tell me what you would like to see in your box most. Something for you head, something for your feet, or something for your neck? Um..any, but in order of preference: feet, head, neck

How much do you dislike acrylics? Could you bare 20% if it is with your favourite fibre Acrylic is fin as long as it is not squeaky or scratchy :)

What do you prefer? Solid/ semi-solid/ stripes/ variegated? Why are all the questions so hard?! Probably stripes…I like variety

Would you wear a totoro hat? Definitely! The ear hat, the intarsia hat, or some other inspired hat would all be worn with great glee.

What colours you like to wear the most? I wear a lot of blue, black, and gree. I also like to wear yellow and grey, but don’t own quite as much in those colors.

What colour combinations you like? (high contrast, low contrast)Um…I suppose low contrast? I like blue/green, blue/burgundy, blue/grey, teal/brown the most if that helps

Do you like to bake and/or cook? Do you have a particular colourscheme or aesthetic to your kitchen? I love to cook and bake but do not have my own kitchen, so no real themes to adhere to there (although I will still use cooking/baking things!)

What is your stance on novelty yarns? eh…if you provided me with a purpose for it then it’s cool, but sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what novelty yarns should b used for.

Would you like me to knit from your queue or your favourites? Queue gets tricky, because a good amount of what I have in there is for other people (unless it is a sweater or hat…those are typically for me). Favorites are pretty fair game, and things tagged “me” I am specifically thinking about selfishly :) I do note if I own any of the patterns in wither list though (although I won’t be upset if you don’t knit from these lists either).

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a Color Affection in the colors of all three totoros? Or some rice ball mittens? How about socks or a shawl like the ocean in Ponyo? The color affection is cool, and those are colors that would match with my typical wardrobe (probably good for work). The mittens are adorable and I love them! The socks are also cool (although I love socks…perhaps too much). That second shawl is the only one I’m indifferent on.

Spoilee, are there any techniques you’re not so great at that you’d like me to try (ex. colorwork, cables, lace)? Um…colorwork and I aren’t the best of friends. I always seem to screw up the tension…
Is your teapot cosy? Would it like to be? No, and probably no. I use a teeny tiny one, so a cosy would be almost ridiculous.

Do you like games? What kind? LOVE games of all kinds. Video games are cool (and I love if I can play on my DS), plain old cards is always (especially when you have fun cards…or even the detailed games like Dominion), I also really enjoy RPGs (video game or pen & paper) as well as table-top games by Rio Grande, Days of Wonder etc (so Settlers or Carcassone vs Monopoly say…although Clue will always be a favorite).

Does anyone have any favourite quotes/sayings from a Ghibli film? I’ve found a few I find amusing…
You’re wearing that hat? After all the magic I used to make your dress pretty? ~ Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I’m a scary and powerful fire demon! Blahlahlahlah ~Calcifer (Howl’s Moving Castle)
You’d think they’d never seen a girl and a cat on a broom before. ~Jiji (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
A girl just fell from the sky, boss! ~ Pauz (Laputa)
Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember. ~Zeniba (Spirited Away)

Spoilee, choosing ONLY from your top 3 Ghibli films, could you tell me what new plushie friend(s) you would be most excited to find waiting for you in your package? (If you could choose at least one from each film, that would be awesome)
Howl's Moving Castle: Calcifer
Kiki's Deliver Service: Jiji
Laputa: The robot on Laputa

Do you want this Totoro shirt in your swap package, or are you planning on getting it for yourself?  I would enjoy it, but wasn't planning to buy it myself (spending a lot on tees lately, not to say I don't need more lol). Size WXL :)

If you would like to recieve books or DVDs, how do you feel about used ones? Absolutely not, only ones in good condition, or you love used books? Used is fine by me. As long as the DVD/CD is playable and the book isn't falling apart/missing pages I am pretty easy to please. I'm all about the recycling and saving of monies.

What do you think of this? (on-board post of wip) Purdy though not exactly my colors.

Would you like to receive and kind of bags in your swap box? Tote, project bag (how big?), grocery bag etc I love bags of all shapes and sizes. I'm less into totes than others. Messenger style is always a fav, but project bags are always useful too.

Oh spoilee, how would you feel about this yarn? My own question, but I guess I can answer...I like the blue gradient and can see the slight sparkle being fun.

Spoilee, I got you something this weekend. What do you think? Gorgeous!

Swapee I have a vital question! Odd, even or prime? I need to know before I bind off! Okay, it’s vital to me though I’m sure some people don’t care about stuff like that and if you don’t that’s fine too =) is confuzzled…but on instinct I say prime :)

I just found out the mailed thing might arrive a few days after the post date. Is that okay with you? No worries

Spoilee, are there any particular goodies you’re craving? Maybe something Asian you’d like to try? I love chocolate and salty, so any combination like that would be yummy. As for Asian snacks I’ve pretty much only had Pocky, Pretz, and ice Candy but would be open to other things. Would LOVE a choco horn, but I don’t think pastries ship well ;)

Spoilee…I hope you are ok with not getting any licensed goodies. I didn’t have anywhere nearby to buy them and I put my resources into other things. Who needs licensed goods when you have a duck spoiling you! ;)

what type of tea do you like? I tend to lean towards green and fruity teas (mango, lemon, peach, etc), but I will try pretty much anything (except peppermint and anise...don't like those. I do however like other mints). As far as loose, bagged, etc whatever floats your boat. I've got a (crappy) diffuser and empty bags, although if you want to supply some fun supplies I would not be opposed ;)

Neat Ghilbi Items Shared by Swappers
These aren't exactly questions, but some neat items are being shared and may potentially go into a package. So here is a gathering of said items and my opinions on them

Anime Yarn at ArtFibers: Awesome!

Totoro shirt at Qwertee Jan. 8: I love this artist and would totally wear this shirt. The colors and design are definitely my style.

Possible Kamaji shirt at RipT: This is a great tee! I hope they print it

Howl Yarn at Stimpylab: oooooo! and you can get it in sparkles (which I feel is appropriate)

Ghibli Yarns at Gynx on etsy: Love them, especially the purply Spirited Away one, and both Ponyos. And all the other yarns in the shop! hindsight, I realize I had already favorited yarns from this shop for this swap but didn't realize it! lol

Yubaba's Bathhouse Shirt on RedBubble: I like the artwork, but more for a sticker than a shirt.

Another Spirited Away shirt on RedBubble: Again cool artwork, but more for a notebook or stationary.

Studio Ghibli Lego: awesome! I wish they sold kits...maybe I should make a trip to the lego store and build my own! lol

Totoro Afghan: This is amazing! So big and cuddly. I rank it up there with the Totoro chair in terms of awesome n_n

Totoro Shirt at Qwertee: Neat, but shipping from Ireland :(

Howl's Moving Castle/Disney shirt at RedBubble: Cute idea but I'm not that big of a Disney fan...I mean, I like Disney but not enough to sport their logo.

Totoro Bento Boxes: I want all three! So cute n_n

Studioloo's Catbus hexipuff chart: This is really good! Adding to my list for future decorated hexis :)

Howl Shirt at Qwertee: This is pretty cool--I kind of want it.

As per usual, if you click on the tag swap-qs below you will see all my blog posts for previous swaps as well as two entries regarding sizing (mine, and coziable items)

Last Updated: February 18, 2013 9:34 am CST

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