Friday, March 7, 2014

Robots Swap

I can't believe it's been over a year since I did a swap! I even missed out on Winter Madness. The Robots called to me though, and I couldn't resist any longer. Our wonderful mod is also keeping track of the questions within the swap board, if people are referencing my post for an up-to-date list. Now on to the usual stuff...

Pre-Questionnaire Questions
Official Questionnaire
Supplementary Questions from the Group
Neat Robot Items Shared by Swappers

Pre-Questionnaire Questions

What? None?! Were we really that well behaved in an Odd Ducks swap? I feel like we will make up for this now that things are officially under

Official Questionnaire

Have you swapped with anyone in this swap before? I spoiled demophobe and louielouie in previous swaps.

Have you previously been known by another name on Rav? nope

Do you have any allergies (fibers, animals, food, etc)? smoke, and possibly milk

Do you have any allergens (do you have pets-what kind, do you smoke-in or outside, etc)? 2 dogs and a cat (although the cat is easily kept out of the vicinity of swap items)

What crafts do you enjoy (knit, crochet, spin, pottery, jewelry making, etc)? knitting, crochet, origami…I dabble a bit in clay, jewelry, and screen printing

Favourite colours? BLUES! and greens. um…I also like deep reds, neutrals, and silver

Least favourite colours? um…none? probably not like bright pinks for wearables

Favourite fibres? I love alpaca

Least favourite fibres? none

Favourite kind of projects to make? small/portable like socks, mitts, and toys

Favourite kind of project to receive? um…any? wearables are cool as I seldom make them for myself. I love socks and I almost always wear mitts at work. Toys are cool too. I don’t have my own place so kitchen items and the like tend to get less use.

Favourite snacks? chocolate, the darker the better. ummm…caramel/toffee, pretzels, cookies…I like sweets lol. Not a fan of peppermint or anise/black licorice though.

Favourite beverages? hot cocoa or tea

Items/colours you would rather not receive? um…nothing particular other than the aforementioned no bright pink (solid/very dominant) for wearables and kitchen type items just because they won’t see use for a while. I don’t really utilize cozies either I suppose.

What number is your post in the Wish List thread? (If you don’t have one, please make a wish list, and if you do have one, please make sure it’s updated!) #14

Have you any off-Rav wish lists? Yes, I link to them in my Odd Ducks Wishlist :)

Fill in the Blank: I would love more than anything to get _____________ from my spoiler! a kick ass robot (toy/plush/figure)! or socks. or mitts. I’m easy to please :)

Fill in the Blank: I would love to make or give _____________ to my spoilee! hmmm..probably an amigurumi. I’ve been on a kick and I bet there are some awesome robot ones.

Have you read and agree to abide by the rules? Yes

Do you understand that bi-weekly check-ins, delivery confirmation requirement (for domestic US shipping), and Thank Yous are all MANDATORY? Yes

Is there anything that you would like your swap partner to know? Um…I have a spoiled min-pin lol

Do you think AI should be considered robots? I think that is fine…they are still programmed and somewhat mechanical.

Do you think part human/alien technology combined with robotic technology should be considered a robot (think Cybermen or Daleks for example)? Tricky, but again there is that huge mechanical aspect. In the Affinity Bridge there is a creature similar to that and they definitely came off robotic. There are also the robots in Laputa and they are definitely alien, but still more or less mechanical beings without free will.

Who is your favourite robot? Oh man, I have to choose?! Impossible! But seriously…uuum…this is hard. I do love Gir. I also have a huge soft spot for R2D2, Marvin, Wall-E, and the Iron Giant. Plus I think retro style robots are awesome.


February 28, 2014: Sign-ups close

March 3, 2014: Questionnaire posted and mod pm'ed by 3pm.

March 8, 2014: Post in the thread by this date

March 22, 2104: TBD

April 5, 2014: TBD

April 19, 2014: TBD

April 30, 2014:  Mail swap package by today!

Supplementary Questions from the Group

Do you want to wear your robot love loud and proud? For example, are you into colorwork robot accessories? If yes, what type of accessory (e.g. Fingerless mitts, gloves, hat, cowl, scarf) I will let my robot shine! Also I love colorwork, and I love it more when I'm not the one doing it lol. As far as accessory type...fingerless mitts are great as my work is very chilly year round. I have also grown a fondness for cowls, and I can never have enough socks. I'm sure I will love anything though :)

Would you like to receive a build-your-own-robot type kit, even if it was very simple and possibly even meant for kids? Yes! Regardless of skill level, it will be a blast.

Would you like a book about robots? If so, is funny/goofy more your speed or something more serious? YES!!! ALL BOOKS! I love to read, and while I primarily read sci-fi, fantasy, and satire, I am sure any robot book will be loved. And if it isn't exactly my cup of tea, my boyfriend will read it (he reads everything! and he loves robots too n_n).

Do you like jewelry? If so, do you prefer a necklace, bracelet, or earrings? Yes. I wear all of them, but a bracelet might get the most use as I don't often take off the necklace my boyfriend gave me, and I am kind of picky about earrings (I like tiny studs and dainty hoops/short dangles).

Would you like a project bag? If so, how big and what style: box, drawstring, messenger, tote, etc.? YES! I love bags, all styles. I almost always have a messenger bag on me because it will hold my school stuff and knitting stuff. However I also like the structure of box bags, and I will find a use for any style bag I receive :)


For a project bag, would you rather overt robots, or subtle robots? (Double bonus points for heading over to SpoonFlower and picking out a few robot fabrics you like) Um...either? Although overt seems to be what comes to mind when I think of robot fabric. Here are a few to give you an idea of what I like:

Do you wear tshirts? What size? YES! I basically live in T-shirts. As fro sizing...M men's/unisex, L women's, XL junior's/fitted women's.

Would you like to receive any of the following:
bookmarks sure
stickers I could find a use for these
vinyl clings (e.g. for a car window) If it's for the car yes, otherwise probably not (or I will use it on my car anyway! lol)
art prints (probably no larger than 5 x 7 - easier to fit in a box that way) Yes. Love!

Do you have a list on Rav of things you would like? If so where are they listed? Are there things on there that are for other people? Other than my wishlist post (which contains external wishlists as well, including robot specific etsy and amazon ones), I do have my queue and favorites (which includes a robot tag). Generally I make a note if I marked an item for someone else, and I also tag items "me" when they were marked for incredibly selfish reasons n_~

Would you like to recieve a digital magazine that describes how to make robots. There are ones for every age group and skill level. (ETA: It is very user friendly.) Ooooo! That sounds wonderful!

Would you wear robot themed arm warmers (not knitted)? YES!


Do you prefer your handmade items in tonal, semi tonal, or variegated? If it depends on the item think knitted accessories. Um...they all have their place, but I tend to lean variegated.

Do you have a preference for your yarn? Single or multi-plyed? no particular preference

I’m making some clay robots. Are you most likely to use a necklace? Earrings? Magnets? Zipper pulls? AS MANY ROBOTS AS POSSIBLE, I WANT THEM EVERYWHERE!? ALL of them!!! Although realistically I tend not to use decorated zipper pulls. I would say probably a necklace or keychain, or earrings if they are tiny.

Let’s talk treats on a global scale: is there anything you would like from the USA if you live in another country? Well, I am from the USA, but any regional treats are cool by me! If you live by a See’s…well I would eat anything from there!


You make a lot of _______. Do you like it when other people make ________ for you, or since you make so many yourself, are you set? Even if I make it, I will love it if you make it for me instead! More often than not I don’t keep things I make for myself anyway, plus there is the added benefit of not having to do the work ;)


Do you care if there’s a theme or is a big robot mess ok? Um…it’s robots! There is automatically a theme ;) But seriously, it doesn’t matter to me.

Have you seen The Age of Brass and Steam? Do you think it is reminiscent of retro robots? (I do) Would you like one in your favorite colors? Actually I do, especially in a copper, brass, or steel color (or combo!).


If you’re a spinner do you prefer batts or roving or loose fleece? I do not really spin. I have a drop spindle that I can only semi-successfully use for bulky yarns. One day I will master it! That being said, materials are not necessary. If you want to send me something to entice me however, roving.

I’m itching to spin some yarn. Would you be interested in hand spun? I want to note this would most likely be spindle spun since I haven’t been in the mood to wheel spin and that spindle spun can be a little more thick and thin (at least mine can be). Is this something you would like to receive? I know it’s not for everyone so it’s ok if you say no :). Bonus points if you see some roving or a batt in my stash you like. Ooooo I love handspun! I am a sucker for Nerd Girl Yarns, and she’s got some nifty colors going on like:


Would you like handmade stitch markers? If so, which style would you prefer? I can make the wire loop ones for knitting only, or lever back clasps or lobster clasps for both knitting and crochet. I love stitch markers! Really either style is great, although I do not have as many clasping ones that are hand made.


I live in France, and am taking a little trip to Paris next week. Is there anything specifically French or Parisian you have a hankering for? EVERYTHING! lol. Seriously, I love France and Paris and so does the boyfriend. Treats would be cool, although pastries would not ship well ;) but chocolate or sweets. Tea would be neat too.


Would you like a sci-fi book about robots? If so, what format (hard copy, EPUB, MOBI, LIT, PDF)? YES! Hard copy would be cool, but I also have a kindle so .mobi works too.


Would you like to put together a Robot Ducky? That is so cool. I would definitely have a blast with it!


If you were to receive some Robot Art, are there any particular colors you would want (i.e. colors to match current home decor)? Um...I like the retro styles, so red, blue, steel/grey, that 70's orange, mustard yellow... If we are going to matching my decor then black, steel/grey, burgundy, dark teal, light turquoise.


Would you be happy to receive bath/shower items (eg soap, shower gel, bubble bath, bath salts)? Sure! Any of those would be cool.

Are you in need of any knitting notions? (Or notions in general, I just liked the alliteration.) Need? Maybe not...but I can't stop collecting them! lol Aside of stitch markers which I will never say no to, I am always loosing tape measures (I swear I have 10!), I could use some cable needles, those little coil wraps to keep needles together...

I got some stitch markers I think you will like…..but they are really heavy compared to other stitch markers. Is that ok or would you like me to find something else? Send them!

For you dear partner does outerspace and robots go together? I am not talking about it taking over, but maybe something with some stars and robots perhaps? I think so, after all there are tons of sci-fi shows about space travel that involve robots :)


I’m going to a Fiber Festival this weekend. Is there anything you would like? Raw fiber, roving, tools? Something for me to spin for you? ooooooo! sounds lovely. If I am lucky enough to be your spoilee, something for you to spin for me would be wonderful! I love all kinds of fiber, but am a sucker for alpaca and/or silk blends, and I love all colors, although if you find a deep red/blue/grey blend I would be amazed. Otherwise the hand made buttons, shawl pins, or lotion bars would be nifty n_n


If there were handspun in your future, would you be cool if it involved beads? Sure. I’ve never used beaded yarn before, but I would be interested to give it a try!

Are you cool if I include roboty things from a fandom that you haven’t specifically named? Definitely. I am sure I have not named even half of the fandoms I would be amused by when it comes to robots, and I am always happy to be introduced to new ones :)


Do you like self striping yarns? Love them!


Are cute robots ok with you for one of your small handmade projects? Oh, definitely. I am all about he cute things :)


Made it to the fabric store tonight, spoilee! What do you think? That’s awesome! Perfect mix of cute and retro n_n


Are you a matchy matchy person, it needs to match in someway, or throw caution to the wind? Well that is a loaded question. Personally, I tend to be very matchy but can appreciate non-matching. Also, if you enjoy something that still coordinates but doesn’t match I am more than likely to love it (my little sister does it constantly and I love it, but it’s not my first instinct).

Neat Robot Items Shared by Swappers
These aren't exactly questions, but some neat items are being shared and may potentially go into a package. So here is a gathering of said items and my opinions on them

League of Extraordinary Robots Tee: Pretty neat. Dunno that I'd actually wear it. Now as a poster or print...that's more my cup of tea

Nail Art Stamps: These are neat, and I actually like the little robots ones (more-so than the textures/patterns), but I don't often paint my nails and when I do it is usually to last for a while and I'm not sure I could get away with robot nails at work :(

As per usual, if you click on the tag swap-qs below you will see all my blog posts for previous swaps as well as two entries regarding sizing (mine, and coziable items)

Last Updated: April 9, 2014 7:24 pm CDT

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