Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Blog Rebrand & Revamp

Hey there, loyal followers! I've been getting involved in a few different side projects, which has allowed me to centralized certain interests elsewhere. As part of a revitalized attempt to keep my side projects active, I am also revising my blog & website.

Let's be honest, this is a personal blog, it is a condensed version of all my previous blogs, and it has evolved over time. A few common themes have always been prevalent: poetry, crafting, DIY (whether that be baking/cooking, or other). With my new projects, I am able to retain a more home-centered approach. There will still be crafting & shop updates. And there are likely to be personal posts here & there. However, I am branching out to some other sites, as follows:

My Dairy-Free Adventure: a focus on DF recipes & reviews. This will not be a new home for all my recipes, but allergy-friendly ideas will move or be cross-posted.

Drink.Smoke.Games: a focus on board games, video games, and alcoholic beverages. This site will house my reviews, etc and is part of an effort to start an online presence/community of gamers. This also allows me to keep Handmade by Caitlin more family-friendly.

Movie, Knit, Dye!: a focus on knitting & horror movies. This will not take away from Handmade by Caitlin at all, but if you are interested in hand dyed yarns, or 2 goofballs commenting on horror movies MST3K style, please check it out. While our goal is to build a following for our video podcast, you can also expect to see some random things about out current listening recommendations (podcasts & movies).

So...we know some stuff is moving to these other locations. What will remain at Handmade by Caitlin? I've been getting back to my roots, as it were, with natural solutions. I feel this really compliments the DIY attitude and am going more towards that focus. You can still expect shop info to be posted here, free patterns, recipes, wellness & fitness info, and personal updates. Mostly, you can expect an update to the DIY & wellness/fitness info: natural health support, green cleaning, eco-friendly ideas, on occasion a brief foray into ancient beliefs (anthro major here, plus it is fascinating to see how old natural remedies and crafts were so societal and religion-focused).

So sit for a spell, check out the new features, and let me know what you want to see!

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