Thursday, April 19, 2018

DIY Hair Refresher Spray

So, it's been a while since I did a DIY post for hair care. I've been testing out 3 different recipes though, and finally have one I am happy to share.

Six months ago, I shared my personal dry shampoo recipe. I am very please with it and really would not change much. If I had a spice grinder, I would try to get the nutmeg a more fine/powder consistency. And I have not tried out arrow root powder or clay, so can't say if I would want to swap out the corn starch. I find my dry shampoo works best when applied to my roots with an old make-up brush either before bed (so it can work over night, and is gone/brushed out in the morning), or about 15 minutes prior to a bath or shower (where I work it in with my hands and rinse it out). Both methods are good ways to avoid residue and powder build-up. The only downfall, if I try to do this multiple days in a row my hair gets dry and staticky; it is no longer soft and just doesn't feel good.

So, I've been digging into what seems to be called a "hair refresher" spray. I used to have one that I liked a lot, but I have no idea what was in it. I mean, seriously, I could not pronounce most of those ingredients. Plus it was expensive. So I've been doing some digging and finally found a home made version that I like and works great. It is also easily adjusted to match your scent preference. As a bonus, this basically functions as detangler or leave-in conditioning spray.

Hair Refreshing Spray
3/4 cups water
1.5 Tbsp slippery elm bark
1.5 Tbsp marshmallow root
1 cup witch hazel
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp aloe vera
20 drops essential oils (optional)

Steep the slippery elm and marshmallow root for about 30 minutes in hot water. Strain (I do this through cheesecloth or flour sack towels, and squeeze--you will notice the liquid gets almost gel-like as you squeeze out the last bits). Mix with witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, and essential oils. Pour into spray bottle and spritz hair when needed.

I tend to use 4oz spray bottles and store the rest in an amber glass bottle until I need a refill.

Herbs: Slippery elm bark and marshmallow root both stimulate hair growth, soften hair (provides slip and glide), and soothes your scalp. Marshmallow root also adds shine to your lackluster locks. If you don't have or don't want to use these herbs, you can leave them out completely. Or feel free to sub with other herbs, tea, or hydrosols (in place of water).

Essential Oils: Without essential oils, this spray will have a more herby/earthy scent. I personally like to use 6-7 drops each of lavender, lemongrass, and rosemary. This is the same combo I use in my dry shampoo, and I will be using this blend in my DIY shampoo & conditioner. However you can use whatever oils you like the scent of, or which best suit your hair needs. Or leave them out--this is up to you.

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