Thursday, June 14, 2018

Dishwasher Detergent Revisited

As with my laundry soap, I've made some adjustments over time to my original dishwasher detergent recipe. Again I chose to remove the Borax because I found that it was leaving a film on my dishes. I also decided to add some castille soap for a little extra cleaning action.

DIY Dishwasher Soap - Redux

2 c washing soda
1/2 c kosher salt
1/2 c citric acid
1/4 c castille soap*, finely grated
(approximately 1/2 bar or 2-3 oz)
20 drops essential oil (optional)

Make sure to finely grate or chop your soap. I found that freezing it for 30-60 minutes and using a food processor to be very effective, but you could use a grater or other method. Mix all ingredients together and store in an air tight container. If using essential oils, make sure to mix in well before storing, so that the oils are evenly distributed and your soap does not clump.

My personal preference for essential oils in this application is citrus, such as lemon, grapefruit, or a blend. I currently am using a cleansing blend of lemon, clove, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

Something you will want to note is that the citric acid will attract moisture and may cause your soap to clump (or if you are really unlucky, as I have been in the past, fuse into 1 large block). This won't hurt anything, but it can be annoying and may make it harder for your soap to dissolve. Two good tips I've found are to leave your soap in a large, uncovered bowl for a couple days to let it dry out (make sure to stir it periodically to help break up any clumps), and to make a desiccant to keep in your container to absorb any excess moisture (for example powdered clay or dry rice in an empty tea bag, pantyhose, or sock).

To Make Tablets: Add about 1 cup of water to your dry mixture. Your mix will fizz up, just let it. Once the fizzing has stopped you will have a wet sand like texture. Scoop your detergent into molds (ice cube trays are good) and pack firmly. Let dry uncovered for at least 24 hours (or until completely dry). Store in an air-tight container.

Use 1 Tbsp (or 1 tablet) per load. For a simple rinse agent, use white vinegar. If that is not cutting it, you can always pour some vinegar into the bottom of your dishwasher and/or mist your dishes with vinegar while they dry. I also recommend making sure to clean your dishwasher itself if you are having build-up, sediment, or film issues (including cleaning that drain trap). I have also heard that using homemade dishwasher detergents with plastics can cause a film on your non-plastics.

*Make sure you grab castille soap, you do not want a soap that suds in this mixture!

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