Monday, June 25, 2018

My Hair Care Routine

As part of a transition to a more natural/green lifestyle, I've not only begun making chemical-free cleaning products & toiletries, I have adjusted the way I live. This includes a transition to more sustainable household items (such as slowly phasing out plastics for glass, ceramic, and metal), and adjusting my habits.

No-poo is a huge movement, and believe me I have made a good effort to follow this, but there are a few things that get in my way. My hair is super oily, even after months I was not able to go more than 3 days or so without an actual wash (dry shampoo only does so much, and eventually you will get build-up). I also found the baking soda method too abrasive for my scalp, and drying/damaging to my hair. So I experimented with making my own products and have a routine I can rely on.

This routine allows me to wash my hair 1-2 times per week. You'll notice it's not an exact schedule, as there are different factors going into how many days I can follow each step. Generally speaking though, I wash my hair every 3-4 days. However I have also found that if I need to wash a few days in a row, getting back into this routine is easy ad I don't need to readjust.

Day 1: Wash with homemade shampoo and conditioner

If I have the patience I'll let my hair air dry, but on particularly cold days or if I have somewhere to be early I have broken out my blow dryer (I always leave it damp/air-dry for a little bit even when I blow dry). I also am bad and will towel dry/scrub instead of t-shirt dry/squeeze. It's suppose to be damaging to your hair if you scrub it with a towel, but I haven't had problems and am an impatient person who likes my damp hair to still feel somewhat dried.

Day 2-4: Brush hair/Rinse with water

L: Dry Brush; R: Rinse & Brush
If you have a boar bristle brush, this can help you more evenly distribute sebum and oils. Some naturalists also recommend brushing thoroughly, with your head upright then upside down a couple times for proper oil distribution. I'm lazy so this doesn't normally happen--most of the time I just use my paddle brush lol. Usually my hair is still clean enough to leave down without feeling oily or heavy. If I am particularly active on this day, I may need to put it up.

Most days I still rinse my hair with water while I shower. I'll usually give it a quick brush before hopping in the shower. I saturate my hair and massage my scalp a bit, then rinse again.

Sometimes I can go up to 3 days only brushing and rinsing my hair. Other times I can only go a day or two. A lot of depends on how active I am, what the weather is like (and if I'm out in said weather), etc. I've found the farther I get into this habit, and the less I rely on dry shampoo, that it is much easier to push 2 or 3 days. Over the hot holiday weekend I was able to last a full 3 days, and we were out in the heat each day.

Day 3/4/5/6: Dry shampoo

In all honesty, I normally apply the dry shampoo the night before. I use a makeup brush to apply directly to my roots (in parts/lines about 1-2 inches apart along the front/sides, and also from my crown down to nape). Normally I'll work it in a little bit with my finger tips, and then I leave my hair down and go to bed. This allows the dry shampoo to collect all kinds of oils and evenly distribute itself. In the morning, I just brush my hair and style as usual.

I usually don't rinse my hair when using dry shampoo. I find that the oil build up still weighs down my hair. If I am on day 3 or 4, sometimes I'll still give it a try.

I also normally only do this 1 day, but sometimes I can pull off 2 days in a row. I tend to find the build up of 2 applications on top of my hair's oils to be too much. This is usually when I try giving my hair a rinse. I haven't found applying at night and rinsing or rinsing in the morning and applying when dry to be more effective than the other.

Also, sometimes I completely skip the dry shampoo day and move on to washing. Usually this will be if I'm pushing 3 days with no product.

Spot Treatment: Spritz with hair refresher

L: Before; R: After
If on any day my hair seems stringy, dry, lackluster, dull, or just looks heavy and lifeless, I will use my homemade refresher spray to give some life back to my hair. In fact, I use this most days where I'm not actually washing my hair. This conditions my hair which gives some shine and body back without having to get your hair completely wet. The brief dampness can also help with any specific styling needs.

Swimming: Water is your friend

My workout of choice is swimming. I frankly hate the gym, running (arbitrarily, I'm fine taking the dog out or if I have a destination, same with biking). Swimming is a great full body workout, and I supplement it with yoga. However that chlorine... Wetting your hair before swimming fills your hair up with water, leaving little room for chlorinated water to soak in. I also find that tying my hair back helps keep everything tight and protected against chlorine, or if you are up to it a swim cap will offer lots of protection. If you swim regularly, like I do, you may want to use a DIY conditioner to revitalize your locks.

I am still a newbie to a more natural hair care routine. I've only been trying this out for a little over 1 year and I went through a few different attempts before I found this system which I am happy with. Lucy over at Happy Hair has all kinds of advice, so if you don't find answer here check our her 5-year FAQ. I am particularly interested in checking out soap nuts myself n_~

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