Monday, December 8, 2014

Infused Vodka: 1 Week

Ok, it's update time. I let our two vodkas sit for one week, giving them a good shake each night, and last night I gave them a try.

The sour apple is so good! It was very smooth and had a good, strong flavor. My only critique would be that it could possibly be a bot more tart. However, I am reluctant to add more sugar to interact with the citric acid from more limes and lemons as I think it will make it like a cordial. As it is, the sour apple is pretty drinkable solo. I want M to give it a try and see if he wants to up the sourness or leave it as is. After all, this was his flavor choice. As of now, I would call it a success.

The cucumber melon is ok, but definitely needs some work. I originally planned to use a whole honeydew, but after cutting up half and seeing how much there was in relation to the cucumber, I stopped there. That was a mistake as the melon flavor is barely there, so today I picked up another honeydew and added half of it in.
See how much more volume the melon takes up now: it barely fits!
The cucumber flavor however is very strong. I am quite happy it is so noticeable. I was honestly afraid it would get lost and that 2 cucumbers were not enough. This vodka also has a lot more bite (you still really notice the kick from drinking straight hard liquor). I think the sugar in the sour apple smoothed it out, but I am not adding any sugar just yet. I want to see if the additional melon not only brings out more of that flavor but adds more sweetness and smoothness. I will go another week, and move on from there. IF I think sweetener is needed, I am leaning towards honey over sugar as that is what I use in my smoothies and it works well. I am also considering adding some lime if the flavor doesn't pop enough for me.

Since I want M to give his flavor a taste, and my flavor needs some work, these babies are going to infuse for another week, getting a good shake up once per day. Come back next Monday to see if my results have improved!

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