Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

caitinc Merry Christmas everybody! I know it's been a while since my last update, but I've been a busy little bee. Between Christmas shopping, baking, and wrapping I'm amazed I have even had time to knit. Unfortunately, I didnot finish mini-banff on time for our visit to grandma's yesterday, but she wants me to visit again befor eI head back to school so I will give it to her then. (I told her I was still working on her gift so now she has two things to look forward to in the next week or so!)

Last night was OK. Pizza Cottage has sadly closed down. It was our favorite pizza place, and our usual Christmas Eve restaurant. My parents are friends with the owner. He closed down not too long ago, and we actually got some of the furniture. My parents did think ahead and we had two frozen pizzas that we made at home for dinner. Also, we don't really get along with our extended family. My uncle Tim and his young'uns were there though, and they are very fun. Plus I got to see my grandma, who I haven't seen since summer, or talked to since Thanksgiving (I know, I know...). Things weren't as awkward as they could have been though.  Usually there is forced conversation, but my family does love gossip. They just couldn't wait to get the scoop on what happened to my dad. In the end we stayed much later than we had planned, and it was pretty fun.

Today was a lot of fun though. It was a pretty fun Christmas for all of us. Lots of good movies and video games all around. MY parents got a Wii for the family, so that was a lot of fun. My sister Candi got Trauma Center for it (she is obsessed). Even though the bf and I rented this game before, I never got to play so today wa my first time. That game is so fun...and addicting...and hard. I'm kind of sad I won't be able to bring it back to school with me. I do have Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass to tide me over though. My other sister Cassie got that for me. I've been playing it almost all day until Candi conned me into trying Trauma Center. Even though Zelda is super stylus-oriented, I am enjoying it.  I have a feeling I will be playing this all week at work ^_^

We usually spend all of Christmas Day together at home, or at least until dinner. My dad had a Pirates marathon going in the family room pretty much all day. This morning we ate pierogis (not your typical ones either...these have unique filling and are saturated in butter from frying). Dinner was turkey with homemade stuffing. It was very delicious. After eating all that food though, the parents did not last very long. They went to bed pretty early and I snuck away to the bf's for a bit. While we are exchanging gifts in February (because he is a brat and knows he is getting Smash which doesn't come out until then), his mom wanted to give me a gift. She bought me the most beautiful swarovzski crystal jewelery set. Its mostly pink with a little bit of green: matching necklace, bracelet and dangly earrings. She also got me a cute little anklet and a belated birthday gift of matching bracelet and earrings (because she never saw me in October). His little sister got me some origami paper too.   
I'm in: home! (STC)
Feeling: happyyay!
Listening to: The Pixies--Wave of Mutilation

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