Monday, December 3, 2007

Snuggling Time!

caitinc I have completed Banff and I'm ever-so excited. I actually finished it late last night/early this morning, but was too tired to prance around in it. Plus, by then it was snuggling time with the boy anyways ^_^ I bound it off a little too tightly, and did not realize this until I had alreayd cut the yarn and tied it off. With a little bit of stretching I was able to fix it. It can be a little tight when pulling over my head, depending on the angle, but overall it works. I'll just have to remember to bind off even more loosely on my grandma's sweater.  

Speaking of which, I have just begun to cast on for my modified Banff. In my last post, I provided you all with my alterations to the pattern and a link to the original. I did not post the complete pattern, as I rewrote it because I was not sure if that went against any licensing on the pattern. Luckily the original is free, and I don't mind who uses my alterations.

Here is my completed Banff. 

My beautiful new yarn for mini-Banff
I'm in: my futon
Feeling: excitedexcited
Listening to: The Murmurs--You Suck

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