Monday, January 21, 2013

Things are coming together...

Well, I have gotten my knitwear galleries completed. Anything noted as coming soon is a current order or currently in the works/in design. I am hoping to get color choices and tunisian swatches posted soon (still need to photograph the tunisian swatches). I am also compiling a customer appreciation album--so if you have any pictures you would like to share of your purchases in use or being enjoyed, please feel free to send them my way! I love seeing them :)

My other galleries may wait a while...I am not currently selling sewn or screen printed items, so they aren't a high priority. And while I am selling jewelry, almost everything I could put into the gallery is for sale or has been sold through my etsy shop. The same goes for any skin care items (plus, I'm debating if a gallery is required--it's neat to have a viewable record, but not necessary to my shop and site). The ornament section will be updated over the course of this year--I am writing free tutorials for each ornament I've made since 2004 while I go back and make myself one for each year (I somehow missed myself while making for the family--I use them as name tags).

Other than that, I am slowly moving all my posts over here. I believe I had exported all my xanga posts years ago, but it seems I never got around to getting them up on my livejournal, so I am currently looking for those files. However, that's a good thing because livejournal does not let you export all your entries at once (you have to do one month at a time), and blogger doesn't seem to like the livejournal xml formatting. All my old blogs still exist and you can find links on the sidebar of my livejournal (linked in the previous post) should you be looking for something specific.

I've also started adding major personal knitting goals/projects to my calendar. This way you can understand why I might give you a longer time frame than usual. Orders still take priority, but there are some personal projects I also try to accommodate with deadlines. (For example, my brother's birthday is this month so orders that do not need to be received immediately are being pushed back a few days or given a few extra days to their expected craft time. However, rush orders would take precedence.)

Thanks for hanging in there with me as I upgrade my website!

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