Monday, April 8, 2013

Nerd Girl Fitness

It's been a goal of mine for a while to get in shape, and I go about it in spurts. I usually (surprisingly enough) am successful, although it's always a small progression, but then I get bored or bogged down and stop. Well over at the Nerd Girl Yarns ravelry group, we have a board called Nerd Girl Fitness where we are sharing tips, holding each other accountable, and cheering each other on. I am very excited for this as I have two weddings this summer and would love to make myself a Cherie Amour, but I want to be able to make a medium (instead of a large which I will ideally get to small for).

We also started talking about bento...which is dangerous. I used to be really into bento back when I was dorming and acquired quite the collection  My sister and I started getting into it again over the past year, using it as an excuse to cook healthy dinners and make sure our lunches weer packed (in attempts to both save money and eat better). So be on the look-out for a few bento posts...anything to keep me motivated, right?

As for now my current plan is:

  • Go to the gym Tuesdays & Thursdays after work, and once over the weekend.
  • Start getting up early enough to take my dog on a walk every mornings (1-2 miles)
  • Eat breakfast daily! (I'm really bad about this)
  • Pack healthy lunches to avoid fast food
  • Pack healthy snacks on class days, also to avoid fast food dinners in the car
  • If I'm feeling ambitious...find a way to sneak some yoga into the mix
What are your weight-loss goals? What plans are you implementing to keep them (self-designed, buddy system, squat/plank/sit-up/etc challenge...)?

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