Wednesday, October 2, 2013

More Custom Order Reveals

The turtle plush I made last week and posted teasers of on facebook is finished. The little girl it was given to loves it and I am told the little guy has made it as a bed toy.
I had already had a second order sight-unseen for another one, and when this little guy was delivered the requester confirmed wholeheartedly that she wanted one. The next turtle will be in the typical greens and tans. Later that evening I got an order for a second one with a slightly different theme. The turtle will be green, and his shell will be made to mimic native american motifs. I am thinking this granny square/hexagon pattern will achieve that:
blanket (c) Avalanche on ravelry

The Three Strikes for Sean donation was picked up yesterday. The lady who had reached out to me was happy with the results.

It is also time to start thinking about Christmas gifts! I know, I have almost 3 months, but I make most of my family's gifts (at least the girls, so that's mom, grandma, sis 1, and sis 2...maybe the boy's mom, grandma, and sister...whew!). My one sister has already given me her knit item wishlist! Luckily, she wants fairly simple things (and she knows it, and she knows I need time to work, so I love her not only for her choices but early notice n_n). I still need to plan out the others...

My shop is also picking up speed. It's still mostly local and in person orders from family, friends, coworkers, and friends of acquaintances but the online sale trickles in here and there. I am hoping to come up with some cute Christmas and winter themed items as well, once I finish up the sets and custom listings I have planned to work on this month. So hopefully between my connections and the upcoming Christmas season, things will be getting busy on the shop front too!

Oh, the holiday season is upon us and it's not even Halloween*!

*stay posted for a Monday post about Halloween at my house...we are hard core!

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