Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

caitinc Merry Christmas everybody! I know it's been a while since my last update, but I've been a busy little bee. Between Christmas shopping, baking, and wrapping I'm amazed I have even had time to knit. Unfortunately, I didnot finish mini-banff on time for our visit to grandma's yesterday, but she wants me to visit again befor eI head back to school so I will give it to her then. (I told her I was still working on her gift so now she has two things to look forward to in the next week or so!)

Last night was OK. Pizza Cottage has sadly closed down. It was our favorite pizza place, and our usual Christmas Eve restaurant. My parents are friends with the owner. He closed down not too long ago, and we actually got some of the furniture. My parents did think ahead and we had two frozen pizzas that we made at home for dinner. Also, we don't really get along with our extended family. My uncle Tim and his young'uns were there though, and they are very fun. Plus I got to see my grandma, who I haven't seen since summer, or talked to since Thanksgiving (I know, I know...). Things weren't as awkward as they could have been though.  Usually there is forced conversation, but my family does love gossip. They just couldn't wait to get the scoop on what happened to my dad. In the end we stayed much later than we had planned, and it was pretty fun.

Today was a lot of fun though. It was a pretty fun Christmas for all of us. Lots of good movies and video games all around. MY parents got a Wii for the family, so that was a lot of fun. My sister Candi got Trauma Center for it (she is obsessed). Even though the bf and I rented this game before, I never got to play so today wa my first time. That game is so fun...and addicting...and hard. I'm kind of sad I won't be able to bring it back to school with me. I do have Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass to tide me over though. My other sister Cassie got that for me. I've been playing it almost all day until Candi conned me into trying Trauma Center. Even though Zelda is super stylus-oriented, I am enjoying it.  I have a feeling I will be playing this all week at work ^_^

We usually spend all of Christmas Day together at home, or at least until dinner. My dad had a Pirates marathon going in the family room pretty much all day. This morning we ate pierogis (not your typical ones either...these have unique filling and are saturated in butter from frying). Dinner was turkey with homemade stuffing. It was very delicious. After eating all that food though, the parents did not last very long. They went to bed pretty early and I snuck away to the bf's for a bit. While we are exchanging gifts in February (because he is a brat and knows he is getting Smash which doesn't come out until then), his mom wanted to give me a gift. She bought me the most beautiful swarovzski crystal jewelery set. Its mostly pink with a little bit of green: matching necklace, bracelet and dangly earrings. She also got me a cute little anklet and a belated birthday gift of matching bracelet and earrings (because she never saw me in October). His little sister got me some origami paper too.   
I'm in: home! (STC)
Feeling: happyyay!
Listening to: The Pixies--Wave of Mutilation

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My First Sweater!

caitinc I've been a lurker for some time, but I finally have something to contribute. I've been working on Jena Wilson's Banff and just completed it.

My Finished Sweater!

For information on my progress, fee free to visit  my journal. I'm now moving on to my second Banff, although this one I have altered for my very tiny Grandma. I'll be sure to show you all that sweater once it's done too.

***cross-posted to knitting community***
I'm in: my futon
Feeling: excitedexcited
Listening to: The Murmurs--You Suck

Monday, December 3, 2007

Snuggling Time!

caitinc I have completed Banff and I'm ever-so excited. I actually finished it late last night/early this morning, but was too tired to prance around in it. Plus, by then it was snuggling time with the boy anyways ^_^ I bound it off a little too tightly, and did not realize this until I had alreayd cut the yarn and tied it off. With a little bit of stretching I was able to fix it. It can be a little tight when pulling over my head, depending on the angle, but overall it works. I'll just have to remember to bind off even more loosely on my grandma's sweater.  

Speaking of which, I have just begun to cast on for my modified Banff. In my last post, I provided you all with my alterations to the pattern and a link to the original. I did not post the complete pattern, as I rewrote it because I was not sure if that went against any licensing on the pattern. Luckily the original is free, and I don't mind who uses my alterations.

Here is my completed Banff. 

My beautiful new yarn for mini-Banff
I'm in: my futon
Feeling: excitedexcited
Listening to: The Murmurs--You Suck

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Grandma's Sweater

caitinc I haven't made too much progress on Banff yet ;_; but that's because I've been looking for a pattern to make for my grandma's Christmas present. Originally my mom and aunt thought Banff was coming out so well that I should just make another one for my grandma. However, later on my mom decided that the sleeves might be too big. I've been looking for another pattern, but was not finding one that I liked. So, I've altered Banff to make it smaller. The sleeves are narrower and a bit shorter. The length should still be the  
same, although the chest size is smaller. I've found a beautiful lilac yarn to knit it up in, and I can't wait to get started. Unfortunately Macomb is covered in ice right now so driving is not doable. I'll post again once Banff is finished and to let you know how my modified Banff is coming along. 

My modified pattern, so far
Here is my modified version of Banff. Mind you, this has been done only on paper, and with assumptions on the size. Please feel free to critique, as I want to make sure it will work out. I feel the only problems so far will be the size, but as my grandma is a small lady, I think it will be ok. As it is, with the assumed measurements, it would fit me, although be a bit snug. Knowing that my grandma is smaller than me I think it will work.

Modified Banff
Materials:uses size 10 needles
4-5 skeins lion brand homespun (170 g)--will know for sure upon completion

42" chest
22" long--if I did my math right
13.5" sleeves--length unknown, but assumed to be 1.5" less than original small

CO 72 st (144 st to knit in the round)
32 20 rows: 2x2 ribbing
switch to st st, and increase 4 stitches evenly across row (76 st): (k14, inc, k13, inc, k14, inc, k13, inc, k14)x2
33 49 rows: st st
switch to knitting flat with first 76 st
BO first four stitches at beginning of next two rows*
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 17 times (34 rows), leaving you with 34 st

Right Shoulder:
as per original pattern

Left Shoulder:as per original pattern

FRONTwork as back to *
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 11times (22 rows), leaving you with 46 st

Left Shoulder:
as per original pattern

Right Shoulder:
as per original pattern

SLEEVES (make 2)CO 60 62 st (knit flat not round)
16 rows: 2x2 ribbing
k2, [p2 tog, k2, p2, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 18 st, [k2, p2, k2, p2 tog]x2, k2 (56 st)
7 1 rows modified ribbing: k2, [p1, k2, p2, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 16 st, [k2, p2, k2, p1]x2, k2
k2, [p1, k2, p2 tog, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 16 st, [k2, p2 tog, k2, p1]x2, k2 (52 st)
7 rows modified ribbing: k2, [p1, k2, p1, k2]x2, continue 2x2 ribbing to last 14 st, [k2, p1, k2, p1]x2, k2
switch to st st, and increase 4 stitches evenly across row (56 st): k10, inc, k9, inc, k10, inc, k9, inc, k10
47 rows: st st
BO first four five stitches at beginning of next two rows*
work right side decrease row
work wrong side decrease row
repeat these two rows for a total of 20 times (40 rows), leaving you with 8 st
continue per original pattern

Block  all pieces and seam as per original pattern: Banff by Jena Wilson

as per original pattern, but only work through first decrease section, then bind off
(6 rows less than original pattern, which continues beyond this point)
begin as per original pattern, picking up 72 stitches. Knit for 6 rounds.
On next row, decrease as such: k2, (k2 tog, k6)x9
Knit for 3 more rows then bind off.

I may actually attempt to knit this pattern in the round. The changes are rather obvious, and once I get to the decrease rows I will be switching back to flat knitting. If I notice any changes from this modified knitting style, I will adjust my modified pattern accordingly. I recommed using the original pattern, but if you are interested in an even smaller version, this is my go at it.

Edit 12/08:
Upon beginning this project, I realized I had miscalculated. All of my adjusted cast-ons are 2 st short. Adjusting the whole pattern would have been very time-consuming since adding those 2 st would make everything else off when it comes to the decrease rows. To fix this problem, I have just been knitting it in the round, as per my original alterations (obviously doubling the st on the body, and repeating the 4 st increase row for 8). As per my note above, I am switching to flat knitting once I reach the underarm area. The only difference now is that the underarm may be 8 st instead of 6 st (I will know better once I get there). Just thought I would share. Cheers!

Edit 12/13:
I made some changes to the actual pattern to reflect my previous mistake, and also to change the ribbing.

Edit 12/22:
I changed the ribbing on the sleeves. I made it shorter and eliminated some of the increasing/decreasing sections. Overall it is shorter, but it turns outit comes just past the wrist instead of to the finger tips (on me at least). I also switched to knitting the sleeves flat, so I added two stitches and at the bind of section added one ot each side.

Edit 1/5:
I changed the style of the neck. I kept it through the first decrease section but adjusted how many rows I used. I also switched to knitting instead of 2x2 ribbing. I didn't particularly care for how the ribbed neck looked on my first sweater. Also this way it should be more of a crew neck, or at least not so high.
I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: creativecreative
Listening to: Motteke Seeraa Fuku (Lucky Star Theme)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

caitinc Today marks the start of my week off from school. I will be spending it at home, so I am very excited. I cannot wait until Thanksgiving dinner--it is always so much fun. We all make potato buns (a secret family recipe), my mom makes homemade stuffing, and my dad makes homemade cranberry sauce (much much better than that canned stuff!).  We usually just do it at home with the six of us, but this year we may have some visitors--yay!

This weekend my family and I drove up to Baraboo, WI to visit my aunt. She owns a boutique called The Widow's Peek on the town square. We came to visit for the Holly Jolly Light Parade. Every year Baraboo does this parade,and it is quite fun. During the day there are carriage rides, carolers, Santa Claus, and shop specials. Each shop usually does some sort of promotion, and then they have Christmas goodies for the customers. Last year we did Butter Beer (from Harry Potter!), and cranberry cider. This year we just did normal apple cider. There were also cookies---yum! Once night falls there is a parade, mostly made up of floats that are covered in Christmas lights and decorations. I even brought my light-up contact ball for some road-side contact juggling. I wasn't able to get too many pictures since it was so dark, but there were a few good ones.

See the lights!

and the crowd:

While I was in the shop, I worked on Banff. I haven't been working too much on it lately. With all the school projects before break, I have not had much time. I am halfway done with the second sleeve, and I cheated and seamed everything up already (I just couldn't wait!). I worked on the sleeve a little yesterday in the gallery, and I got many compliments on my work (some by experienced knitters!) I don't know if I'll make much progress for the rest of the week though---there is a lot to do at home!

So close to completion...
I spent last night out with my cousin--it was so much fun. Our families were estranged for about 10 years, so we hadn't seen eachother since we were about 8 (she's only a year and a half older than me). We met back up in 2003, but the two of us are pretty different people and go our own ways. So, we finally hung out for the first time in forever last night. She lives on the square across from her mom's shop, so we didn't need to go far. We spent the night bar hopping around town, and she introduced me to a few new drinks. Overall, it was a great night. I hope we get to do it again.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully next time, I'll have a finished Banff and a new project on my needles. My mom and aunt suggested I make a sweater for my grandma as a Christmas gift this year. I think 5 weeks or so should be ample time, given my progess with Banff (provided I don't take a week-long hiatus again ^_^).
I'm in: St Charles
Feeling: jubilantjubilant
Listening to: Trans-Siberian Orchestra--Carol of the Bells

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where are my sleeves?

caitinc So I haven't been working on Banff all too much this past week. I spent most of the weekend working a paper, plus my thumb was bugging me so I figured my hands could use a break. Then this weekend a buddy of mine came over to visit, so I spent Friday cleaning, and then hung out with him and the boyfriend. I've just gotten back to it though. It was slow progress, the little I did work this week, especially since I had no idea how to 
m1p. I found plenty of directions for m1k, so I just reversed it. Later on, I found directions telling me the same thing, but it just doesn't seem right. I get a small hole in my knitting using this method. 

What the increase looks like in my knitting
I guess that since it's ribbing, it will be ok and not really show up. I just don't like that method. I was wondering if there is an increase for purling like there is for knitting where you just make a second stitch tbl.  I'm already past this point in the pattern about half-way done with the sleeve), so it doesn't matter too much as I'm going to knit the second sleeve the same way. I was just curious for future reference. 

The sleeve so far
In the mean-time, while I've been slacking on my knitting, I came across this great anime. It's hasn't made its way to America yet, although it has been bought by Bandai, but a friend had a fansubbed copy. It's pretty entertaining--I just love it! It doesn't really have a plot; it more or less follows these four girls through their highschool career. The main character, Konata, is obsessed with video games, manga, and anime--and she's a super shorty! (Reminds me of myself, although I am not quite as obsessed.) I would definitely recommend it (I'm going to corrupt my sisters when I go home ^_^).

Speaking of which, I go home Friday--for 10 days! I'm so excited (can't you tell?). Too bad for turtle though, his tank got a leak and I had to go out and find a new caulk for it, clean it out, and rebuild it. So he has been stuck in a travel tank for a week or two now, and he just got back into his big tank. Now, I have to take him out to go home into a smaller tank that has not been properly set up with a water section, like his one in my apartment.

A picture of turtle's tank, for visual explanation

That stained glass turtle on the tank was made as birthday gift for me by my little brother (he's only 14!). It's so cool that I didn't want it covered up by my blinds, plus my brother is rather pleased with the location because now "the stained glass turtle has a friend."

And here are some pictures of my little cutie:
He'll be ok for a week or so in a smaller tank though. At least a 10 gallon tank is a big step up from his travel tank. Plus, now that my dad is on his feet (yes, he can walk on both feet using a cane now! He even goes for car rides ^_^), he can probably help me build another water section for the smaller tank. And now that I found aquarium caulk, it won't fall apart on me like the last one and need to be rebuilt. There is just so much to do once I get home: build another water section for turtle, cook and have Thanksgiving with my family, decorate for Christmas (we do this early ^_^), make test ornaments (you'll hear more about this later), and so much other fun stuff with family and friends, not to mention some packing and cleaning from the basement flood as well as to prepare for winter at school. Next week is going to be packed.

This week is pretty busy too. I have another philosophy paper to write for Friday, which could take a while since I haven't finished the book it's on yet. I also want to get Banff finished to take home and show off (or at least block the pieces, I can sew it up and do the neck in the 4 hour car ride home, I'm sure). Then there's packing to do--I have so much to bring home. Oh well, for now cookies for the car ride home. I'll see you soon, and hopefully with a finished sweater!

I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: boredslacking
Listening to: Porno Graffitti--Mugen

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Closer to snuggling...

caitinc I just laid down my needles and finished the front of Banff. I can't believe I got this piece done in only a week. I think I really will get this done before I go home for break! Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on it much this weekend, as I must dedicate myself to homework- -a philosophy paper and religion project (sometimes I wish these classes were one and the same...I hate having to do two similar projects). I suppose the break will be good for my fingers--they are feeling a bit tired after working so hard this week. 

Here are some pictures of the front
Here's a picture of the front piece:

and a close-up again of the details:

I can't wait to get started on the sleeves! Maybe I'll take advantage of this homework-forced break to catch up on some of my video games. I just downloaded the demo for Eternal Sonata, and I am just itching to get a taste!
I'm in: in bed
Feeling: accomplishedaccomplished
Listening to: The Eels--Novocaine for the Soul

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

caitinc Halloween is the best holiday there is. I just love it. In fact, my whole family loves it. We love it so much that every year we do a haunted house in our garage. Now this is not a cheap thrill that we do in a little space. We have a 3.5 car garage, and we use it all. Our props are high quality, either bought from Halloween specialty shops or handmade. It is a huge project, and has become a bit of a neighborhood spectacle. It is also quite popular amongst our friends (and there are 6 of us, so that’s quite a few people). We simply do it for the enjoyment, and I must say we are rather proud of our work.

Read more about the details and our favorite rooms!
Our favorite room, which is also a constant, is the Hell Room. This room is our ultimate favorite, and perhaps one of the most involved. You enter and are confronted with what appears to be hot lava coals across which you must walk to make it to the next room, Satan is popping out of a hole to the darker depths of Hell, and of course you are surrounded by the bones and bodies of the tortured. Another big room for us is the Bat Cave, which is complete with rocky walls and a dripping ceiling. Other recurring set-ups include a large spider web which you must work your way through in order to exit, various twisting hallways, and may spooky beings. Our newest room includes a guillotine, complete with victim and executioner (both real!). Some past rooms include and alien autopsy lab, a cannibal feast, a fortune teller, catacombs, a funeral parlor (vampires), and an endless hallway. Just wait until next year, we already have some great ideas brewing and are bound to get more. Can’t wait until I’m allowed to tell---tune in next year! 

We don’t only do the haunted house. We go all-out for the entire outside of our house and yard. We put spider webs in the trees and on the house. Bats hang from the porch and attack you when the wind picks up. Our front garden turns into a grave yard, complete with tombstones, dying roses, and bones. There is even a dead man sitting on our porch. What makes this even better is that, not only do trick-or-treaters and visitors get to see all of this walking up to the house, the haunted house guests line up on the front porch and get to take it all in, setting the mood for their upcoming experience. 

Unfortunately, we were not able to build one this year and partake in out typical Halloween parties and festivities because of my dad’s accident ;_; This summer he fell off a roof (he’s a construction worker), and has been pretty much out of commission since: 

Read more about my dad's accident
He fell 20ft (2 stories), and he landed on his hands and feet. He was going over to do a final check on a job for our neighbor. He went through the company instead of doing it on the side, so workman’s comp is taking care of him. On his way down from the roof, the ladder slid out form under him and he fell. Luckily, he was able to grab the edge of the roof and swing himself over to land on solid ground, instead of the pile of rubble that was beneath him. He landed on his feet and fell back into a tripod-type stance on his right hand. All three were broken (shattered right heel and wrist, and broken left tibia and fibula right above the ankle). We actually found out about a week or so later that he had fractured two of his lower vertebrae. He spent about a month total in the hospital on bed rest. Multiple surgeries later, he was able to come home in a wheelchair. By August he was using a modified walker, as he could not put weight on his wrist or left leg yet. He is now up on crutches, using both feet and his hand. He is also able to go out to physical therapy, instead of having them come to the house. We are very proud of his progress and cannot wait until he is fully recovered. Unfortunately, once he’s completely mobile he will need to go in for one more surgery on his wrist, but after that it should all be behind us. 

We actually might have been able to pull of the haunted house this year, but then last month our basement flooded. Our neighbor, who is a usual participant within the haunted house, was very adamant about it going through. He even offered to help build it! It might have been doable, but the basement not only held all out equipment for the haunted house, it is a sort of hub for the parties and haunted house guests. People, especially kids, typically hang out down there, so we would have had to do some thorough cleaning. Not to mention all the time needed to check and sort all of our equipment. That was a lot of work to get done in a month. As it is, it usually take s 1 whole month just to build the thing (And that’s with the primary builder and creator in full working order). Oh well, I guess we’ll have to wait until next year.

What makes me really sad is that (on top of no family, haunted house, or party), I don’t get to dress up. 1.) With the festivities being cancelled, there is no costume party at home. 2.) My costume is at home, as that is where everything happens, so I can’t dress up at school. I wish I wasn’t too old to go trick-or treating (who decides this stuff anyway? 24 should not be too old to dress up and get candy!), because then I would have brought it to school and I would be all dressed up right now. Even though I’m not dressed up, I’m still filling my belly on candy, though ^_^ And at least I have a costume for next year, which means I won't need to worry about it.

However, in the spirit of dressing up and Halloween, I thought I would share some of my past costumes, which I am rather pleased with:

See some old costume pictures ^_^

(picture forthcoming)
1996 (6th grade)—Princess Leia; made by daddy

(picture forthcoming)

2000 (10th grade)—Serving wench; made by daddy
     **used many times since**

(picture forthcoming)     

2001 (11th grade)—Daemon; made by daddy
     **used again in the past and future; still needs wings and red contacts**


2004 (College, yr 2)—French Maid; made by me!
     **made as part of a group CLUE costume**


2005 (College, yr 3)—Rainbow Brite; made and designed by me!
     **will be used again; still needs white trim around skirt and proper boots**

     2006 (College, yr 4)—Strawberry Shortcake; bought
I'm in: Macomb ;_;
Feeling: restlessrestless
Listening to: Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack ^_^

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


caitinc I am so proud of myself; a week or two in, and I have finished the back of Banff! I think it looks pretty good, especially for my first attempt at a sweater. I had a little bit of trouble towards the end of the decrease, right before the shoulders. It turns I out skipped a p2tog tbl so I had to fix it. Not wanting to rip out all of those stitches (as it was 6 rows down), I just ripped out that section. It was an interesting trial; I've never fixed a mistake this way before. It took a little finagling, but I got it fixed. Unfortunately, I loosened up some extra 
yarn, so now I have a couple big loops of loose yarn in the back. I tried going in and loosening the surrounding stitches, but it didn't go over so well. So now, I have two loops of loose yarn just chilling on the wrong side of my sweater. I might go back and tie them off or try to loosen more stitches later. I think it might be because there's 1 stitch less than there was though, so I might not be able to get rid of it. Any recommendations? 

See the piece!
Anyway, here's a picture of my progress so far:

And a close-up on the details:

Now to start the front! I was hopinng to get this finished before Thanksgiving...well Thanksgiving break, which really starts the Saturday before. I kind of wanted to show it off when I go home ^_^ I'm thinking that with this progress, I may just do it. I seem to have set a doable pace that will make the deadline. I'm so excited; I just can't wait to go snuggle in my new sweater!
I'm in: bed ^_^
Feeling: excitedexcited
Listening to: Seether--The Remedy

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh October...

caitinc October is my favorite month ever. I love the fall: watching the leaves change colors, raking and jumping into leaves, Halloween (big-time fan here), the weather (ever-changing from sunny to rainy, but with a nice temperature range), etc.  I was actually pretty sad that it has been so warm lately, but that is not the case anymore. At least when it was warm, I was prepared. Now that it has gotten cold, well normal really, I am completely unprepared. All of my warm clothes 
are still at home because I didn't need them. Now, it seems I have to wait until Thanksgiving to get them, because that is when I'm going home net. Normally, it would be on Halloween for all of the fun and festivities, but they were put on hold this year because of my daddy's accident (I'm sure you'll learn more on Halloween ^_^).

Anyway, what with the cold and my lack of proper clothing, I decided that it was a great time to learn how to knit a sweater. Now, all my previous knitting expenditures have already been recorded in just the last few posts, so you can see how lacking my experience is. However, since I could not find a comfy sweater that I approved of at my local Walmart or JC Penny (seriously, the only stores in Macomb, or within 45 minutes driving distance...the next closest places are an hour away at least!), I decided to make one. I'm attempting to make Jenna Wilson's Banff as published in Knitty. I am using a much lighter yarn color, but overall it seems to be working out. I am only now just finishing up the ribbing on the back, so I still have a ways to go. I'm hoping to have it done before winter lol--wish me luck!

My progress thus far ^_^
I actually started this about a week or so ago. I'm not quite sure if I got the right kind of yarn, but I thought it was pretty. I am currently using Lion Brand Homespun in Cream:

After giving it a try and working about a quarter of the ribbing, it seems to be going alright. The package gave the same guage that the pattern is asking for, and so far my ribbing is matching it:

Now, I feel confident that I am doing alright. I just got to the point where you begin the decreases, an dI think it is looking pretty good. It looks a little scrunched in the picture, as I am only working on 14" needles. When I take the time to spread it out over the two, it does meet the measurements. I just think it looks a bit narrow, especially since the ribbing does that zig zag deal when it gets scrunched (which makes it look way narrow). Anyhow, this is the final progress mark for today:

As I am too bouncy to sit still and knit all the time, I have taken to video games yet again. I wanted to get My Sims for the DS, but instead settled for renting the Wii version. It is so insanely cute and I just love it. To be honest, the cuteness factor is really the only reason I even wanted to get it--I'm not really a Sims kind of gal. This game is not really like any other sims game, though. You basically collect "essences" and rebuild the town while making friends and recruiting new townies. It kind of reminds me of Dark Cloud (ps2), in the respect that you are rebuilding a town to meet people's desires. I am already a huge fan though. The only problem is that now I am a little nervous of the DS version, because you are recruiting tourists instead of townies, so I think it will be less involved. Unfortunately for me Gamespot is not working right now, so I can't really get a good comparison. So far it looks like I might have to break down and get the Wii version instead of the DS...
I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: gigglygiggly
Listening to: The Hippos--Paulina