Tuesday, October 30, 2007


caitinc I am so proud of myself; a week or two in, and I have finished the back of Banff! I think it looks pretty good, especially for my first attempt at a sweater. I had a little bit of trouble towards the end of the decrease, right before the shoulders. It turns I out skipped a p2tog tbl so I had to fix it. Not wanting to rip out all of those stitches (as it was 6 rows down), I just ripped out that section. It was an interesting trial; I've never fixed a mistake this way before. It took a little finagling, but I got it fixed. Unfortunately, I loosened up some extra 
yarn, so now I have a couple big loops of loose yarn in the back. I tried going in and loosening the surrounding stitches, but it didn't go over so well. So now, I have two loops of loose yarn just chilling on the wrong side of my sweater. I might go back and tie them off or try to loosen more stitches later. I think it might be because there's 1 stitch less than there was though, so I might not be able to get rid of it. Any recommendations? 

See the piece!
Anyway, here's a picture of my progress so far:

And a close-up on the details:

Now to start the front! I was hopinng to get this finished before Thanksgiving...well Thanksgiving break, which really starts the Saturday before. I kind of wanted to show it off when I go home ^_^ I'm thinking that with this progress, I may just do it. I seem to have set a doable pace that will make the deadline. I'm so excited; I just can't wait to go snuggle in my new sweater!
I'm in: bed ^_^
Feeling: excitedexcited
Listening to: Seether--The Remedy

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