Friday, October 5, 2007

My First Knitting Projects

So the first ever knitting projects I did were, of course, scarves! Each scarf was made for someone in my family over the course of 2 years or so (what can I say, sometimes I get so side-tracked).

My first three...
This first scarf was made for my little sister about two years ago. I made it out of that eyelash yarn, you know the kind that is ever-so popular (or was 2 years ago). My sister was pretty into these scarves at the time, so as my first-ever project I took it on. I figured that this way, if I made any mistakes you couldn't tell ^_^ I used a pretty standard pattern that was popular for these scarves, and was pretty proud of my results:

This next scarf was either my second or third project which I finished about a year or so ago (I can't quite remember...I think it may have actually come in as number 3, but was done while I was in the middle of number 2--a two part project). In any event, it was a pretty simple scarf. I don't remember what kind of yarn it was (I think it was a sort of baby afghan yarn, but as you can tell by the pictures it was pretty bulky and fuzzy--my mom also wanted a very soft, cozy scarf and I thought this yarn was perfect:

(pics forthcoming)

This project was my fourth, and I finished it this past winter/spring. It was a request, actually, by my brother. He originally asked for a scarf made out of multi-colored yarn. It sounded to me like he was looking for that self-striping kind, but he said he didn't want stripes. His description was a comparison to this blue multi-toned yarn his friend's sister was knitting with. Having never seen it myself, I was a little lost on what he was looking for. I looked around for some red and black yarn, but didn't find anything I really liked, so I resorted to using red and black yarns knit together. I think the end result was pretty good, and I was able to avoid patterning like my brother wanted. Using two yarns also let me knit a skinnier and shorter scarf that would still be pretty warm during those Chicago winters:

(pics forthcoming)
I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: amusedamused
Listening to: The Shins--Caring is Creepy

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