Friday, October 12, 2007

Lace Gloves are Pretty

This project was either my second or third. I left it out of the last post because it was a bit more detailed and involved. The scarf I actually started two years ago, after I finished the one for my sister. I can't quite remember if I started this scarf or the pink one first, but I definitely finished this one last. Originally this scarf was to be a Christmas present for my grandma 2 years ago. However, I was using much smaller needles and a finer yarn than I previously had, and I made the scarf much wider and longer. 

The result: I did not have enough time, nor did I realize how much I would need for this project. Having a whole year until the next Christmas to finish it, I took on a more daunting task.

The saga begins...
I was upset about not having the scarf finished, but it turned out to be a good thing, as my cousin had made a scarf for my grandma. Originally, I was very upset about this, but as time went on I was ok. I realized she used yarn that hid the stitches, and I was proud of myself for using such a finer yarn that would show the detail of my stitches. That night my grandma found out about my scarf project, and the two of us started talking knitting and crocheting--it was pretty sweet. She had taught me to crochet when I was little, and now she was learning knitting just as I was. I was excited to talk to her about my project and show her my work.

My original intent, as suggested by my mom, was to finish the scarf for my grandma's birthday. However, her birthday is in May, so I scratched that idea--not to mention she already knew about the scarf. My next idea was to make a set of gloves to go with it. This way I could still give her the scarf, but the gloves would be an element of surprise for the gift. My first task was finding a pair of pretty, elegant gloves for my small, dainty grandma. I found this charming lace glove pattern online, and set to work. Now this being my first non-scarf project, and really my third project ever, it was a bit of a task (I was also limited in time again, because it took me a while to come to this realization and then find a pattern). It took me two months, and I was almost afraid I would miss my deadline again, but I pulled through. Last Christmas my grandma was the proud recipient of a scarf and glove set. She was so impressed that I had knit it all--especially the gloves (modeled by my sister):

Unfortunately, I didn't think to catch a picture of my grandma with the gloves and scarf, but I was still able to catch her happy face (and Punky's) ^_^

I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: nostalgicnostalgic
Listening to: Rise Against--Paper Wings

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