Monday, October 15, 2007

Playing with Lace Patterns

caitinc As I mentioned in my first post, one of my knitting projects was a heat pack cover. This was a special request made by my mom. She is a big fan of those heat packs---the big long rectangular ones with rice, etc inside. She had asked that I knit a cover for hers. Why? I am unsure, but seeing as how she really wanted this, and I had no other knitting projects in queue, I took it up. 

Heat pack extravaganza! 
Unfortunately I would have needed her heat pack while I was at school to make this for her, but she was not one to give it up. To fix that problem, I made her one. It's your normal rice-filled heat pack, in a pretty purple material, and I added some lavender inside to make it smell pretty (plus, lavender is supposed to be good for you--it helps you relax, I believe). The heat pack made, I set on to kitting a pretty cover for it. My plan was to make the heat pack purple and then make a green cover for it with a nice flowery pattern in it. I found this lace pattern somewhere online (I do not remember where anymore), and slightly adjusted the spacing. At the time, I did not think to knit in the round, and instead knit it up flat and seamed it. It may have been some extra work, but I did learn the mattress seam out of it ^_^

The pattern:
7 rows: stockinette stitch
Row 1: k3, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k8, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k3
Row 3: k2, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, k2tog, k6, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, k2tog, k2
Row 5: k3, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k8, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k3
Row 7: k11, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k11
Row 9: k10, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, k2tog, k10
Row 11: k11, k2tog, yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k11
*purl between each row as typed above
*repeat rows 1-11 8 times, then do rows 1-5 once more
7 rows: stockinette stitch

I knit the whole thing flat, starting with 24 rows of stockinette stitch before beginning the pattern above (this point marks the first fold). After the pattern above, I continued in stockinette stitch and ended about 7 rows short, leaving a gap for the heat pack to slide into. I then seamed it using a mattress stitch. It is 22" long.

Looking back, the gap was not really necessary, and it probably would have been easier to knit in the round, binding off and casting back on for 2 simultaneous rows in the back, having only to seam the ends (or if you know how to co and bo as a seam, you could do that...I don't know how though u_u).

The lace pattern is called cat's paw, and I found it at Wendy Knits

The individual pieces:

(more pics forthcoming)
And the final assembled result:

(pics forthcoming)

I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: artisticartistic
Listening to: System of a Down--Lonely Day

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