Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Post

So this is my first ever post to LJ. I have some other blogs, but I'm really not that good at posting so...

Anyway, I started this blog mostly to post my knitting accomplishments and to perhaps let my nerdy side show. For example, I am a huge Harry Potter fan, I recently have become obsessed with Paper Mario, and so on.

My next post or two will probably be of my first few knitting endeavors. Technically, I have been knitting for two years, but between being a college student who works part time during term and full time out of term, my time is a little limited (mostly to writing papers and the such). So, to date, I have only knitted three very simple scarves, a cute scarf and lace glove set, and this scarf/heat pack cover (I know it sounds weird, but it was a request by my mom).

Once I get beyond these, I plan to work on some original projects. I'm not much of a designer, but as the lace gloves (which you will see soon in the future) were my third-ever project, I fell rather up to the challenge. My first project that I am designing is a Zelda scarf featuring some of the NES sprites. After that, I think I have cracked the pattern to a Harry Potter design. I need to work on making hats first, so that upcoming pattern may be quite a ways ahead. For those who are interested, it is the hat that Ron wears during the snowball fight in Hogsmead (PoA I believe). I've read in various forums that there is an actual pattern, and one person thought it was a chullo desgin. Well I got my cogs turning and think I have it figured out. Stayed tuned, and I'll try to post it in a timely manner.
I'm in: Macomb
Feeling: nerdynerdy
Listening to: Deathcab for Cutie--I Will Follow You Into the Dark

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