Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Studio Ghibli Swap Came!

I came home late from class last night to find a big box sitting on the table waiting for me. It was my amazing Ghibli swap from fuzziekit! Let me tell you, this was a way better ending to my day than the stressful lab test I had taken just before :D

I am now a proud member of the Ghibli Critters Club. They all got together to send me some lovely goodies. There’s a little something from everyone: Totoro, the Kodamas, Calcifer, the Soot Sprites, Jiji, the Baron…even Ashitaka and San chipped in.

I got some gorgeous alpaca yarn in heathered blue and brown. I also received some supplies to feed my hexipuffing: sparkly minis (courtesy of Calcifer) and some dpns (thanks Jiji!).
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Everything came packed in this wonderful Kodama bag (it’s got pockets!). There were also more knitting supplies: folding scissors, locking stitch markers, some beautiful blue beaded stitch markers, and hand lotion (so necessary! and in one of my favorite scents ever). The soot sprites may have toppled out of the bag too ;)
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There were also a couple wearables for me to enjoy. Like this super cute Totoro hat! (please excuse the half-asleep caitinc modeling and poorly attempting a self portrait)
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There was also a very pretty pair of fingerless mitts for me. I love the color and the pattern, plus I get to sport my tree spirit love.
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I also found the directionally challenged Jiji! He is so cute, and currently curling up with my puppeh.
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And of course, the noms…which the soot sprites managed to save for me. And a beautiful pair of chopsticks.
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And a group shot, just for good measure:
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I can’t wait to curl up in my hat and mitts and start knitting with all my new yarn and stitch markers :)

ETA: I also received the pattern for Hansi Singh’s Jackalope (rav link), so now I can make my own companion for my grand adventures!


I suppose this means I should get my butt moving on my box. I did get an extension but my mail date is looming before me. Work just keeps getting in the way--I was moving along at a nice pace and them BOOM! I'm office hopping, sitting on conference calls, doing a bunch of extra accounting (I'm a receptionist btw)...and all just as soon as I start my big item. ::sigh:: I wish today was a snow day from work just so I could knit uninterrupted. I've got 3 orders to get done too!

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