Friday, March 8, 2013

Networking and other things..

Well I am trying to get my shop out there in the massive world that is the internet. While I make enough to merit continuing with the shop, it's not enough to pay for advertising through etsy and other sources. I've decided to try and expand my social media footprint instead, and I hope between that and word of mouth my business will grow!

I have a twitter account. My username is @caitinc.

I am not very good at Twitter. This account is both my personal and shop account. Now I've done some research (yes...I get nerdy about weird things) and it says not to blast my feed with self-promotion, so I think the mix is ok. I just have a tendency to go in spurts of one or the other, so I should probably work on that.

Follow me though for shop updates, sneak peaks at current projects (for my shop as well as not), links to web comics, and whatever other random things I feel like sharing.

I actually have two Facebook personal page (which I do link to on my sidebar, but I only accept friends of people I actually know...I've been the victim of too many hacking attempts to just accept random strangers), and my shop page which I am sharing with you here.

Like my page for shop updates, blog updates, and sneak peeks at current orders! I've been a little quite on the Facebook front professionally, but that's because I've been crafting away like crazy. If you like my shop and my work, please share my page with your friends! I do ship internationally (but I need to quote you on a price, so its not listed) so everyone is welcome.

I have both personal and shop pages on Google+ as well. I will be honest with you--I don't use these too often (I am trying to change that though). I started my personal page because I had friends who wanted to use it, but they've all sort of stopped. However, I know there are some people who are die-hard Google+ fans and I want to reach you. Please leave a comment to let me know you are there and I will be more diligent about my updates :)

Other Sites...
There are a few other places you can find me, should you feel up to it. These sites aren't really shop related, but most are full of craftiness.

Ravelry You do need an account to access this site--it's free, but if you don't do fiber arts it might not be your thing. I keep a log of all my non-shop fiber projects here, so if you are a fellow yarnie feel free to visit my page or friend me!

DeviantArt This is where I am supposed to post my non-fiber crafts, but I have been a bit slack in doing so. I need to update with more of my sewn projects and jewelry, as well as some of my photography. There are some shirts and claywork (mostly stitch markers) as well. I know you can do poetry and such on DeviantArt, but I reserve that for my blog (tab up top).

Flickr I used to use PhotoBucket, but that was more for personal things. Eventually I may migrate everything over to Flickr though. In the meantime you can find all of my recent crafts and products catalogued here (in-process, multiple angles, etc). I am in the process of migrating all of my Ravelry projects over as well.

GoodReads The only non-crafty social site thus far (unless you count my personal Facebook and Google+ pages). I am really bad at updating this. I make big updates in random spurts. I am trying to use it though as a way to track what I like and find similar things. Feel free to friend me, comment on a book I have read/am reading (no spoilers though! then I have to set it down for a looooong time), or suggest something new to me.

Thank-you for visiting my pages, liking them, and sharing them with friends. To my already loyal followers, thank-you for your support and for plugging me to friends and family.I appreciate everyone's support and love connecting with customers. I also really love doing this, so more incentive to keep myself knitting is always a plus :)

Here's to a successful year!

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