Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all have been enjoying your long weekend (at least those of you also residing in the U.S.). My boyfriend came home from university to visit so we spent every day seeing a different group of friends. It was a ton of fun.

I went out and saw World's End on Friday. That was a really funny movie, as to be expected of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It was a little sadder/darker at some instances than I would have expected, and there were definitely some twists I didn't see coming, but it was still a lot of fun. There were also a ton of British actors that I recognized in this movie.

Saturday and Sunday were game nights with different groups. Cards Against Humanity was Saturday, and Settler's of Catan and Munchkin (plus Fu and Impossible in one game!). Both were good fun. Even though we finally figured out In the Year of the Dragon back in July, we have yet to play it again with other people. Maybe next game night...

Today the boyfriend went back to Macomb, so I spent the evening with a buddy of mine. I introduced him to the British TV show Spy and he is now hooked! It is a very funny show and streaming for free on Hulu. We also spent the evening knitting. I finished up a hat for an order and started playing around with color schemes for a plush turtle that is due by the 27th. More on those Wednesday n_n

Well that is all for today, see you Wednesday with a progress report on my shop and orders!

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