Monday, July 29, 2013

Tropical Green Smoothie

As much as I love my banana-[insert random berry(ies) here] smoothies, I thought I should start changing it up. Add a little variety to my mornings. So I am trying something new and adding another smoothie to the mix. My boyfriend's little sister had gotten something similar to this from Jamba Juice and let me try it. It was really yummy and the tropical fruits completely overpower the greens in flavor so you get the benefits of the greens without the taste. I've done a little searching on the web for similar recipes, and this is what I've come up with for a 12-16oz single serving smoothie.

Shopping List:
1 bunch spinach
1 bunch kale
1 pineapple
2 mangoes
4 bananas
          Per packet:
1/2 c spinach
1/2 c kale
1/4 c pineapple, chunked
1/4 c mango, chunked
1/2 banana, sliced

This resulted in 8 packets. The measurements I will say are approximations as I pretty much just split whatever I had into 8 packets--really I was fairly close to my measurements and I think I was only a little short on the greens, but I still managed to get a handful of each per packet.

Following suit of my last two smoothie posts, I make these lactose free and try to boost the protein. In doing so I add 4-6 oz unflavored soy milk (I find with the frozen fruit I need closer to 6 oz, whereas with fresh fruit I use 4 oz and about 1/2 c by volume of ice), 1 Tbsp plain creamy almond butter, 1 Tbsp ground flax seed/flax seed meal.

This time I used sandwich bags! You definitely need the extra space for the greens anyway, plus I'm hoping the fruit won't clump up into one giant frozen chunk like they did the with banana berry smoothies in the snack bags n_n (Ignore the fact that I folded them over for the pictures! >.< )

What are your favorite smoothie recipes? Are there any you are particularly fond of for meal replacements (e.g. breakfast)? Share them here!

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