Monday, December 15, 2014

Infused Vodka: 2 Weeks

The tastes have changed a bit, and we are making a few more changes again... 

The sour apple is pretty good. I felt it was a bit less smooth (found a lemon seed in there, which could be the culprit of a little bitterness). M agreed it could be more tart and also would like some more apple flavor. We are also starting to collect a bit of sediment in the jar (at least partly from segmenting tiny citrus, but the amount has increased). We are draining it and adding in new green apple. Just one this time to give it a little extra boost. I am also juicing 1 lime to add some sour/tart (no segmenting or zesting this time).

The cucumber melon is coming along. The melon flavor is stronger, and the taste smoother. It has definitely picked up some sweetness, but the cucumber flavor is still pretty strong. I am draining this one as well (mostly because there is no room for anything else, but also to tame down the cucumber flavor) and putting in a new half melon along with the juice of 1 lime and about 1 tablespoon of honey. I'm getting a little closer to my smoothie recipe now, but these flavors highlight the melon. You will notice no mint (I don't want to risk adverse bitterness from leaves).

The FINAL test will be at Saturday night's party. I am going to let the flavors sit as long as possible before giving both jars a good straining, probably a couple of them actually. I want to get them rebottled early enough to chill them, which causes a few complications but I am thinking Saturday morning or afternoon will give me the time I need. 

Check back next Monday for the final verdict and what my starting points will be for these flavors when we try them again.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Infused Vodka: 1 Week

Ok, it's update time. I let our two vodkas sit for one week, giving them a good shake each night, and last night I gave them a try.

The sour apple is so good! It was very smooth and had a good, strong flavor. My only critique would be that it could possibly be a bot more tart. However, I am reluctant to add more sugar to interact with the citric acid from more limes and lemons as I think it will make it like a cordial. As it is, the sour apple is pretty drinkable solo. I want M to give it a try and see if he wants to up the sourness or leave it as is. After all, this was his flavor choice. As of now, I would call it a success.

The cucumber melon is ok, but definitely needs some work. I originally planned to use a whole honeydew, but after cutting up half and seeing how much there was in relation to the cucumber, I stopped there. That was a mistake as the melon flavor is barely there, so today I picked up another honeydew and added half of it in.
See how much more volume the melon takes up now: it barely fits!
The cucumber flavor however is very strong. I am quite happy it is so noticeable. I was honestly afraid it would get lost and that 2 cucumbers were not enough. This vodka also has a lot more bite (you still really notice the kick from drinking straight hard liquor). I think the sugar in the sour apple smoothed it out, but I am not adding any sugar just yet. I want to see if the additional melon not only brings out more of that flavor but adds more sweetness and smoothness. I will go another week, and move on from there. IF I think sweetener is needed, I am leaning towards honey over sugar as that is what I use in my smoothies and it works well. I am also considering adding some lime if the flavor doesn't pop enough for me.

Since I want M to give his flavor a taste, and my flavor needs some work, these babies are going to infuse for another week, getting a good shake up once per day. Come back next Monday to see if my results have improved!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Infused Vodka: The Set-up

My boyfriend and I decided to try our hand at some infused vodka. His brother comes home in 3 weeks and we wanted to have it ready for that, so I got it all ready to go last night. We each picked a flavor and will see how it turns out. Technically it only needs to sit for 1 week, but this gives us some extra time to not only pack in extra flavor but get some taste testing done in case we need to make adjustments.

The basic set-up cost me around $20. For this I got 2 half gallon mason jars (they were $4.99 each, but a 6 or 8 pack was only $11 something...I currently have no need for that many jars, no do I have room to store them, but if you do I would recommend the pack as it is much more cost effective), a three piece straining funnel, and a pack of cheese cloth (as the funnel will be great for infusions with just fruit, but something finer will be needed for the finer particles like zest or spices). The vodka cost is up to you. You don't want to use anything too cheap, but any decent vodka that you like the taste of will work (you should be able to get something for $10-15).

M wanted to go with apple, so he did some digging around and found this sour apple recipe. I recently moved and have 2 roommates, so I haven't quite bothered to get a decent kitchen set-up which also means no scale. I used the scales at the grocery store while shopping and conversions to come up with the following:
  • 3 granny smith apples (peeled, cored, and diced fine)
  • 2 lemons (zested, segmented, and seeded)
  • 4 limes (zested, segmented, and seeded)
  • 1 cup sugar (the actual conversion should have been 1.5-1.75, but my jar was full...)
  • 750 ml vodka (I used Belvedere because I'm snobby about liquor, also it was on sale)
The recipe I linked used citrus slices, but the white pith and seeds can be bitter (as I have learned making flavored waters) so I did a little extra work. The zesting took a while and the segmenting got messy, especially with the limes which were honestly a pain to segment. I thought it was worth the effort, but you do not have to go this far.

I had a hard time picking a flavor. Peach and pear sounded lovely, but I have friends that make peach and pear moonshine (similar to apple pie shots actually, just changing the juice flavors and using pieces of fruit as well). My next thought was cucumber melon. I could find cucumber vodka or watermelon vodka, but not cucumber melon. As you may recall, I make a cucumber melon smoothie, so I used that as a base. I ran out of lime, am weary of putting mint leaves in (I don't want to risk bitterness), and I don't think the extra sugar from the honey is necessary. So my base is as follows:
  • 2 cucumbers (skinned, and peeled down to core)
  • 1/2 honeydew (skinned, seeded, and diced fine)
  • 750 ml vodka (again, Belvedere)
You can tell the sour apple has a lot more "stuff" in it.
For both flavors, you can see I put a lot of work into the fruit prep. Zesting citrus with a grater takes a ling time, and peeling a cucumber down to the seeds or segmenting a small citrus can be annoying. The point is to maximize surface area though as the vodka is going to soak up the flavors. That is also why the apples and melon were diced finely (think 1 cm pieces).

The next step is to wait 1 whole week before taste-testing. During this time I need to keep the jars in a cool, dark place and give them a good shake once a day to make sure the ingredients get mixed around and the vodka soaks up all the flavor. After that I will see how they taste and decide if any adjustments need to be made (e.g. should I add in that remaining 0.5-0.75 cup sugar to the sour apple? is the cucumber melon too mellow/should I add some of the flavors I use in the smoothie?)

Stay tuned the next couple weeks as I track this progress. I'll let you know if I made any adjustments during this time, what the end results were, and the final recipes n_n

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shaping Your Knitwear, part 1: Stretching

Sometimes you have a knit or crochet item that is just a tad too small or too tight. It can be very disappointing when that happens, but you can usually stretch out your item just a bit. This doesn't work for items that are multiple sizes too small, but if you just need a little bit of wiggle room these tips can help.

First, there are a few things to consider when attempting to stretch your knit:

Fiber Type
Different fibers have different elasticity. Natural animal fibers like wool will offer the most stretch. Artificial fibers like acrylic (plastic) and metallic yarns will be significantly less giving. Even though cotton is a natural fiber, it has even less give than artificial yarns. You might be able to get a little stretch, but if you are looking for more it may not be possible.

Fabric/Stitch Type
By nature knit items will have more give than crochet. This is because the knit stitch is more like a weave, and the crochet stitch is more like knots. That being said, crochet items can certainly be stretched, especially if made out of a more pliable fiber. Just keep this in mind if you are looking for more than a little wiggle room.

The stitch type also impacts how much you will be able to stretch your item. Straight crochet or knt can be fairly stretchy, depending on the fiber. Ribbing, while used to gather fabric together, is designed with elasticity in mind. You will be able to stretch ribbing, but sacrifice it's gathering properties in exchange. Cables are created by twisting the fabric, so the give when stretching cables will be minimal. Fair Isle (color work) involves carrying all the colors across the work, which creates a rather tight stitch. Fair Isle pieces will have very little stretch.

Felted items will not stretch. They have been intentionally shrunk, and it is generally irreversible. If you now the item was originally knit (and not crochet), you may be able to get a little stretch. This would not be enough to go up a size, but could work for something that is just a tad too tight.

With those considerations out of the way, the rest is rather simple:

Stretching Process

  1. Soak the item in warm water, with a mild detergent (e.g. baby shampoo or wool wash). Be careful not to use hot water or agitate, especially if your item is wool as you risk felting or shrinkage.
  2. Rinse your item in warm water, again being careful to no use hot water or agitate.
  3. Place the item between some towels and press to dry. You could also slowly roll up the towels to squeeze out excess water. Do not ring or twists.
  4. Stretch out your item to desired size, or as far as fabric will let you go. Go slow and easy. Pay attention--you will feel when you are stretching too far, and if you continue to stretch you could break the yarn. If you have a form to stretch your item over, that is good idea and will help retain a good shape.
  5. Allow to air dry completely. Put in a place with good air flow to prevent mold or mildew. Avoid using hot air like from a hair dryer, but a fan may speed up the drying process.

Please pay attention to your item when attempting to stretch it. As noted above, some fabrics and stitches just do not lend themselves to stretching. Go slow and easy. If you feel too much resistance, stop or you risk breaking the yarn which can lead to unraveling. Be careful not to use hot water, agitation, or hot air as these are often used to create the opposite results.

As always, if you have questions or tips, please leave them in the comments!

Stay tuned for my next product info update which will go over shrinking your items! Sometime int eh near future, I will also give a more detailed break down of blocking your items into shape.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Upcoming Projects

Well...I am still moving. There were some hiccups, and now I am moving to a different place over the course of the next week or so. However, most of my supplies are still packed up, so the shop will remain in vacation mode.

In the meantime, I am planning 3 baby gifts for friends. Well, I say 3, but for one of them I have 3 separate ideas. Regardless, be on the look out for...

Lavender, Cream & Tan Hedgehog Set
I fell in love with a hedgehog plush pattern that I found, and the theme just feels right for my one friend. I really want to make a coordinating blanket, but she and I have made other arrangements, so to accompany the lavender hedgehog I am thinking of bonnets and mary jane booties.

Blue, Tan, and White Lamb Set
My friend showed me a blanket that she would like and I switched up one of the colors and thought of ways to expand into a gift set. I found an adorable lamb plush I am going to make to coordinate with the blanket, and she is also going to get a set of loafer booties (just to switch things up from the Chucks, plus they are darling! It was actually between loafers or buttoned boots...)

I am also throwing around a few more ideas as possibilities for the same person. They will probably still all happen, even if not a gifts (although, given how many friends we have in

Rainbow of Chucks Booties
Who am I kidding? This is definitely happening. Ever since these two got married, I've been saying this would happen. I am going to make as many Chucks as I can in all different colors, so their baby has some awesome footwear this winter.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Set
I honestly am not sure what this would entail. I am thinking a beanie with an attached mask that can flip up...or a shell (photo prop or possibly sweater, still working out details). And of course there is the option to make plush characters, or weapons, etc. We will see where this goes if it happens.

Owl Set
The mommy to be loves owls. And now that I know she is having a little girl, I feel like they are easier to incorporate. There are a ton of cute patterns out there for blankets, plush, hats, and scrubbies. We will see if this amounts to anything, but I feel like at least one owl thing will sneak it's way in.

I've also got a few orders lined up. One which was just placed today and is due in a week, another due shortly thereafter thankfully these are both blankets only), and a large video game themed set due at the end of the year.

Peach, Yellow & White Blanket
A coworker came up to me today asking how quickly I can make a baby blanket. She technically already gave a gift, but now that there is also a shower going on for her friend, she wanted something simple to give. We discussed colors and finally set on this theme with the baby girl's name sewn on in fleece. Keep an eye out for pictures, as this sweet blanket will be finished in about a week.

Baby Girl Blanket
A friend of mine is ordering the blankie for her little girl from me. I don't have any more specifics yet, as I think she is picking out the yarn. Little girl is due soon though, so more updates and hopefully a finished item within the next month or so.

Video Gamer Set
A buddy has commissioned me to make a video game themed set for one of his gaming friends. The set will be for a little girl, and I think we have all the items finalized. We are going in a few different directions with Nintendo, XBox, and PC. There is definitely going to be an XBox controller rattle, and another plush toy based off a character from League of Legends. Other items include a blanket, and hat & booties. I'm keeping these under wraps for now (especially as I am designing the blanket and am not 100% sure how it will work/turn out), but they will be based of some traditional Nintendo characters.

I am also working on some basic kitchen & bath items (wash cloths, pot scrubbers, exfoliating pads, hanging towels, hand towels, etc) to add to the shop--great for regular use or new baby items.

So...keep your eyes peeled for some of these items, and remember you can always contact me for something similar, or completely unique. You can always contact me via my blog, Facebook, or Etsy convo (I still check them), and I plan to have my shop live again after Labor Day!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Playing Catch Up

The shop is back open! I had it on "Vacation Mode" for the last few weeks to catch up on some big projects, and once those were done I was getting ready to move. I was sad to do it, but you guys have been keeping me pretty busy with a steady stream of orders which I LOVE  but I was in need of some extra time. I'm all caught up and unpacked now though, so let the orders roll in again n_n

I've been posting the projects that have been occupying me on Facebook as they've been completed, but here is a quick collection of what has been going on the past few weeks...

Patchwork Puppy & Matching Blankie
I made this as a gift set for a friend of mine. She let me know the colors and theme (puppies & kitties), but also hinted that she loved the turtles I have made. I had to find a way to make it work, so using two Heidi Bears patterns, I compiled this little fella.
Heidi is pretty awesome and is cool with selling items made using her patters, so if you are interested convo me on etsy. However, these guys will not be regularly posted as they take quite a while and a good amount of yarn. This also means they will cost a bit more (like $30-35 for larger guys like this, probably).

Giraffe & Matching Blanket
This set was made for another friend (2 down, 3 more to go... this year!). It came about because they are keeping the gender a surprise. I was trying to figure out gender neutral combos, and thought these colors looked cute together and lent themselves well to a giraffe. This couple actually has another little gift on the way in the form of Jayne Cobb hats n_n

Nightmare Before Christmas Set
This set was so much fun! It was actually a commission, requested by my friend's husband for a coworker (the same one who requested the Nicor set...I love his requests! They are so much fun n_n). He wasn't sure what he wanted exactly, but his coworker loves The Nightmare Before Christmas. He got as far as booties, and something with Jack's face. This was the result and I am loving it.
This set may not be a regularly posted item, but if you are interested I am taking custom requests for it and/or individual items. Zero is actually a lovey/blankie buddy so his body is larger than normal and his collar is incorporated into the blanket part.

Wedding Mittens
These guys are more complicated to work on at work than I thought, so they took quite a bit longer. However they are now complete and below are the two different styles of pairs that were requested

*The two blankets in these pictures will be some of the pattern options available to you when I get the create your own blanket postings made. Until then, if you like the designs and are looking for a blanket, feel free to request one in the colors you want.

Free Pattern Friday Returns!

Well, it's been a while. The shop has been on vacation for the last few weeks, as I had finals coming up, a LOT of baby gifts to finish (along with some shop orders and custom requests), and I will be moving soon (not far away, but I am slowly packing up all my supplies). Hopefully within the next few weeks I will be moved, settled in, and my supplies unpacked so things can get rolling again.

So, without further ado, I bring you the latest addition to Free Pattern Friday: a Sock Dragon!
sock dragon pattern
(c) craft passion
I have yet to make this little guy, but I hope to change that real soon. I love making sock animals, and other than looking a little time consuming with all those pieces, this dragon does not look hard to make. Once I get settled in, this will definitely be one of my first projects! Who knows, maybe one or two of these guys will pop up in the shop ;)

If you like Drake the Sock Dragon, I highly encourage you to check out craft passion's other sock animal tutorials. They are super cute. I also think sock animals are a great project, even for beginners! They are small and portable, you can sew it all by hand, plus they are super cuddly when you are finished. All you need is a pair or two of socks, some stuffing, and a needle and thread.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Free Pattern Friday: Monsters Inc.

I had intended to make a nice write-up of the minion pattern for FPF, but I have not done so yet. However, in the same spirit of Disney/Pixar I happened to run across these cuties. The pattern is free, and the designer is pretty awesome and has ok-ed sale of items made using her patterns (with recognition, of course!). So I am sharing with you Josephine Wu's, from A Morning Cup of Jo Creations, baby Mike & Scully from Monsters Inc. (ravelry link):
(c) Josephine Wu

I have yet to make these little guys, but they are oh-so-cute! One day I will make them for myself. If you read my last post, you know a bit of the issues with using another's pattern (which luckily, again, Jo is very cool about), and with selling licensed character plush (even if handmade). As such, they will probably never be regular shop items, but I would certainly make them by request! Or if you are a crocheter, make your own since the pattern is free and they are adorable n_n

Check out Jo's other patterns too. She's got a bunch of adorable chibi-style plush, all under $5 or free.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Selling Items from Patterns

This is a highly debated issue, and sometimes causes complications with requests I get for specific items, especially if the requester has found a pattern by someone else that they want me to use. I thought now would be a good time to address the situation and give you some basic information.

The Short Answer
Yes. Practically any pattern you want me to make an item from can legally be made and sold in public.

The Nitty-Gritty
According to what I have been able to find, patterns are rarely copyrighted (meaning that the designer has actually filed with the patent office). Even if a designer has gone this far, copyright law only protects the pattern itself, which means I/you cannot redistribute/resell the pattern, with or without alterations. You also should not be claiming the pattern/design of said resulting items as your own. However, this all only applies to the written instructions and not the items resulting from following the pattern. All items made using a pattern are not protected by copyright law. As such, you can't really be banned from selling items made using another person's pattern, nor are you liable to pay a fee to the designer for permission to sell these items. This also means those blanket statements and cottage licenses have no/little legal standing.

Yarn Obsession has a great summary of the circumstances, and even highlights some personal experiences related to the issue. Tabbers Temptations, also linked in the previous post, goes even further to break down the actual copyright law and explain how it really applies, citing court decisions and even highlighting false statements found on the web.

All that being said, you can't tell who has gone through the legal hoops to get specific protection, and as noted in an article I found in Vogue Knitting called Ask a Lawyer! Knitting and Copyright, and Knitty's Copyright Primer, it is wise to err on the side of caution. A designer may not be diligently policing, or they may; they may not be very litigious, or they could try to sue you (even if the ground they are standing on is very shakey or has no precedent...but do you have the spare money for lawyer fees just to find that out?)

My Answer
While it is completely legal for me to make an item from any pattern you find and sell it to you, both privately and publicly on etsy, I try very hard to adhere to the designer's wishes. Items I list on my shop that are designed by others almost always have a note from the designer saying they are OK with sale of items based off their patterns. This is more out of respect, but I try to follow it none-the-less.

On occasion I may make an item by custom request (meaning one time) that does not have such a note from the designer. In the event that the designer has specifically prohibited sale of items made using their patterns (despite the fact that there is no legal standing for such a statement), I will try to find an alternate pattern or design my own. If that is not possible, I may consider making the item but only for private sale (meaning we will make alternate arrangements off etsy), because despite the fact that it is completely legal for me to do so, I do not want to deal with the hassle and headache that may arise from going against a pattern designer's wishes.

As for the flip side, I do explicitly state on this website that is is legal to make items from my patterns and sell them. I am in like mind Fresh Stitches in that it is more beneficial to me and you to state this out right. You use my patterns, other people see that you've used my patterns, and hopefully I get more sales or custom item requests. Handmade by Caitlin is a side job, so while I would love to make a profit crafting an item for you, I will not be upset to have some extra time to myself while someone who has bought my pattern makes the item for you instead. I do ask that you link back to me, and I do include a note that I would prefer you not selling items made from my FREE patterns of LICENSED characters, not to be a jerk but because some of these license holders can stop the sale of these items and force me to take down my patterns, even though they are free.

Trademarked Characters
This is a whole other beast of a question! I do not have a firm grasp of trademark law, but I know of too many knitters and pattern designers who have gotten themselves into legal trouble creating, designing, and/or selling trademarked or licensed characters. If you are a fellow knitter, I am sure you are familiar with the saga mazzmatazz went through when she designed and shared some free patterns for Doctor Who characters. The BBC found unlicensed knit characters being sold on ebay and went after the designer, hitting her with a cease and desist. This article sums it up nicely. Mazzmatazz was lucky and over the course of a few years was able to work with BBC to release some new and officially sanctioned Doctor Who patterns (more info on her site).

There are also multiple cases of designers, crafters, and sellers of "Jayne Cobb hats" getting hit with cease and desist letters. This article explores the situation really well, but basically the characters and their appearances are intellectual property trademarked by Fox. Distribution of patterns (even if free), and sale of hand knit hats were cutting into Fox's profits of their own licensed products, much in the same way BBC lost some sales of character figurines to the unsanctioned plush ones.

You can see how this gets messy. Some companies don't care, or don't police so only care when it is brought to their attention, and others are very diligent and strict. I don't mind sharing my patterns, but they are free for this reason, and should I ever be asked to take them down by the intellectual property trademark owner, then I will comply most willingly. That being said, I know I have shared intentions of certain themed products for my shop. I have less qualms charging for items I have designed myself (key phrase here), and that I have put hours and materials into. At that point, I feel I am charging for my time and out of pocket costs, but again should I be asked to stop doing so I will.

I hope that may have answered any questions you have about copyright when it comes to  requesting knit items, selling knit items, and designing knit items. I have linked you to my research, and while my basic understanding is that for non-trademarked creations copyright law only protects the written pattern and not and items you make using it, please feel free to peruse my sources and conduct your own research. If you find any errors or are better versed in copyright and trademark law than me, please leave a comment. If you have further questions, also leave them in a comment and perhaps I or one of my readers can answer it for you n_n

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Laundering Hand Knits

About a year ago, I made a post titled "Caring for Hand Knits" which went over the basics of how to wash, dry, and store your hand knit items. I collected this information from a variety of sources and personal experience. At multiple points, I mentioned information that you would find on your yarn label (if you are a crafter yourself), and/or that I would pass along to you (if you are a customer).

I thought now would be a good time to review my yarn care post, and revisit the issue by sharing with you the information you would find on your yarn label (or on your Handmade by Caitlin label). This image comes from Lion Brand Yarns and summarizes their universal care labels, however you will likely find these are very similar symbols on other yarn brand labels and even clothing tags.

Should you purchase an item from me, I am currently in the practice out writing out these instructions for all non-acrylic fibers instead of putting symbols on your labels. However, this is useful information to have, and as the shop continues to pick up speed procedures may change over time to make things more efficient on the production end.

Do keep in mind, these are general guidelines about what should be OK to do when laundering your items. I also recommend against bleaching and ironing all hand knits and exercising extra care and caution (e.g. always use gentle cycle, no hot water, do not dry on high) when laundering as even sturdy yarn still makes for a more delicate item than one bought at a store.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Some New Old Stuff

Well, I finally located my camera and am able to share with you some past custom orders! I try to list a variety of items in my shop, but I am always open to suggestions and requests.

This first set is Train themed, including a blanket, conductor hat, and stuffed train engine (to match the blanket). While this was a custom order, the conductor hate at least will be making its way into the shop.

Next up is the Peter Pan and Tinkerbell plush doll set. This will not be listed in the shop as regular products, but if you are interested please contact me and we will work something out.

Later this week, you can expect an update to the roller skates and construction outfit listings, as I am getting requests for color options I don't have pictures of yet. Coming soon will also be a third turtle and I am hoping to get shell options swatched in order to post a customizeable turtle plush. I have also written up the pattern and am playing with the idea of posting it for sale...what do you think?

Monday, April 7, 2014

New Products!

Ok--so I'm a little late on the updates. I am sure most of you have already seen them on my Facebook page, but let's get the bog moving again with some new release highlights and some talk about what is to come.

Last week I released a new toy set and outfit, as well as updated an existing toy set. Let's start with what is new n_n

Tool Belt Toy Set
This little set is currently a favorite of mine. I designed it for a local ministry to use as a door prize, as after one of the members saw my purse set (she is also friends with the mama) I was asked to make one for them to raffle and a boy set of some sort. So here you have the tool belt:
Toolbelt Toy Set
The hammer, screwdriver, and wrench are plush but can be turned into rattles via an add-on listing in my shop (however, I feel the hammer would be best suiting for this as the wrench is very flat so the rattle piece would be noticeably felt, and the screwdriver does not have much room for a rattle piece, but it would fit in there without being as noticeable as the wrench). The listing includes the belt, and the pouch is available as an add-on for a small additional fee. Originally I wanted to include the pouch in the listing, but I was already looking at a higher price without it just due to the extra materials.
Toolbelt with Pouch
This listing does have some costumization as well (I love to give you guys options!). There are 6 colors for the tool handles (Red, Royal Blue, Dark Green, Yellow, Neon Orange, Black) and 3 colors for the belt/pouch (Tan, Brown, Gold). I do not list sizes, but the default belt length is 23.5 inches which will easily accommodate up to a 22 inch waist. This measurement is laid flat and the belt is rather stretchy so can accommodate a slightly larger waist, and it is adjustable so will definitely accommodate smaller waists. If you want it shorter or longer please just add a note on your purchase.

This was a huge hit locally and already has an order! Turn around time is 3-5 days for crafting, plus an additional day or 2 to get your item packed and shipped.

Construction Outfit
I know I mentioned this last year when the custom Nicor Reader Outfit was posted, but the construction outfit is finally available! I had to do a little research as designed the hat and had trouble scaling it to other sizes, and the free vest pattern I used was one size only. Now that I have found patterns that I can use for shop items, the outfit is ready for sale:
Construction Set
This set includes a hard hat, safety vest, and work boots. You will notice 4 sizes are listed, but only the work boots actually have 4 sizes, while the others have 3. The hat and vest patterns only had sizes 0-6 months, 6-12 months, and toddler while my booties size differently as I actually did scale that pattern after creating it. This just means you have some additional size options for the booties, and the corresponding hat/vest will be made as well. So, your size options are:
3-6 months (3-6m boots, 0-6m hat, 0-6 m vest)
6-9 months (6-9 boots, 6-12m hat, 6-12m vest)
9-12 months (9-12m boots, 6-12m hat, 6-12m vest)
12-18 months (12-18m boots, 12-18m hats, 12-18m vest)

And again there are customization options. One day I hope to have the free time to make samples of all my listings in their available made-to-order options (and of course I always accept custom requests for different color options/combos!), but in the mean time there are swatches of the colors. The hat has 3 colors (White, Construction Yellow, Construction Orange), and the vest has 3 colors (Neon Yellow, Neon Orange, Neon Green). The boots are currently only available in standard work boot gold. There is also an optional add-on for reflective stripes on your safety vest. Do keep in mind the reflective thread is not very elastic though, so if you are on the cusp of 2 sizes order a size up.
Reflective Safety Vest
Turn around time for this order is 5-7 days. Adding reflective thread does not affect the crafting time.

Purse Toy Set
I will not go into great detail about this, as it has been covered previously. The purse toy set includes a purse, wallet, and stuffed cell phone (rattle option available). The inclusion of the key and coins have been made optional as they are rather small and could be a choking hazard if this gift is for an infant instead of a toddler. There are 3 specific designs available for sale, and a made-to-order listing which lets you choose your design and colors (colors are to be added in the notes to seller section of your order, as there are too many variables to list in a drop down; color swatches are provided in the listing).
Purse Toy Set
There are also a few listings coming up for adults. Currently one purse and wallet only set is listed for purchase as the purse is a good size for a clutch and the wallet holds cards perfectly. Eventually they will be listed as individual products as well...keep your eyes peeled!

Coming Soon
I have 3 friends expecting, 1 coworker expecting, 1 friend trying, and another friend with a little boy turning one! That means lots of planning, designing, etc. That also means possible future products for you!

The toolbelt has inspired me to make a Tool Box! The same tools will be included, but they will be housed in an old-fashioned tool box. I have some sketches down, but I have not quite figured out construction. I want this to be stable which may include support structures or extra yarn. Unfortunately this will affect price and the tool box is likely to be more expensive than the tool belt but I am hoping to keep it in the $30-35 price range n_n

I also am designing a Letterman Jacket as one of my gifts. It will be super cute and I can't wait to finish it. This will definitely be available in the shop, with either color combo or school color choices and multiple sizes. The one I am making for my friend will have his initial...I am not sure how to handle that in my listing (we are only allowed 2 variables in etsy), so they may be preset to the school, or I will ask you to request a letter in the Notes to Seller (this way you can do a school letter or initial).

I am also looking into Blankets and Caps for order. Sometimes it can be daunting to come up with a design on your own or make a custom request without an image to go with it. Since I will be making a good amount of blankets coming up, I am thinking of making a few listings of different stitch patterns with the colors and border style as your options. Likewise, a cap listing with color and size choices would be added. What do you think?

My friends are awesome. Seriously. They also help me come up with cool ideas. Not too long ago a few suggested super hero chucks, using the hero logo in place of the star patch. So that is definitely something I am playing with, as well as how to translate the idea over to super hero mary janes. I am thinking either clay or painted buttons to go at the end of the straps, similar to how I've used small flowers on some pairs.

Building off the construction set, last week my buddy and I came up with a few ways to adapt it to multiple themes. He came up with the idea of a hunting set, consisting of a camo billed cap, neon orange vest, and the boots. He also suggested a biker set with a black helmet, vest (jean or black, possibly with patches), and black combat boots. Taking that a step father I was thinking cowboy/rancher set consisting of a cowboy hat, plaid/denim vest, and boots (either work boots or cowboy boots).

With the bridal mittens in the works, I am always thinking of more items for the teens and adults. Even though it is finally getting warm in the states, I am thinking of some fingerless gloves. They are always great year round, especially for office workers or people living farther north.

Do you have any ideas or requests? If so, post them here! Or on Facebook, or convo me on etsy n_n

Friday, March 7, 2014

Robots Swap

I can't believe it's been over a year since I did a swap! I even missed out on Winter Madness. The Robots called to me though, and I couldn't resist any longer. Our wonderful mod is also keeping track of the questions within the swap board, if people are referencing my post for an up-to-date list. Now on to the usual stuff...

Pre-Questionnaire Questions
Official Questionnaire
Supplementary Questions from the Group
Neat Robot Items Shared by Swappers

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gift Reveal and New Shop Item

My day job just keeps getting crazier! If you saw me at work, you would not believe my title is "Receptionist" lol. Between work and school there has been very little time for samples, and the orders I am getting are keeping me pretty busy n_n

I know I still owe you guys some pictures of old custom orders. As they were local orders, they were handled in person and never posted to etsy. Once I figure out where I put the camera with those pictures on it, I will post them here and on Facebook for you to see!

Last week, I was working on a gift set for my friend's two year old daughter. She loves bags and will abscond with yours if not watched. She usually doesn't take them apart, but just carries them around very happily. Last night she was adorable with a bag that she kept "hiding" behind her back, despite it being larger than she!

So, back to the point, I made her a small purse complete with stuffed cell phone, coin purse/wallet (with coins!), and a key:

This gift set will be posted for sale in the shop shortly. I may make up some samples and post those for sale, and there will definitely be a made-to-order listing. As I currently do not have samples, the made-to-order listing will have swatches for you to choose colors from. I will likely include a list of adornments as well (so you are not stuck with flowers, but also to insure adornments that would not look good aren't picked). And, as always, you can contact me for custom orders to meet your specific desires.

I was also playing around with the idea of making the phone capable of ringing, etc. Unfortunately I did not have the custom sound buttons on hand like I had thought, so that did not come to fruition for the gift. However, if I can find a decent priced supply, they may be available as an add-on for a small additional fee in the shop!

I was inspired by some various patterns and projects, but ultimately I created the patterns for these items on my own. As such, I cannot point you in the right direction to craft your own, but should there be enough interest I may list the pattern for sale as well n_n

I am trying to get back to my regular schedule of posts, and possibly add to it as I am getting into other all natural and DIY facets that would fit in with my "usual" posts. Until then I am going to try to post at least once per week.

Thanks for stopping by! Keep an eye on my Facebook and Twitter to see when this toy set is listed for sale. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shop Update! and some other stuff's been quite a while! The holidays always get super busy for me between gift knitting and the increase in orders (and some last minute orders lol). My online presence always seems to disappear at that time, but I promise you I am still here and will reply to any of your messages/comments.

I wanted to get a ton of samples done before posting more items to my shop, but time is getting away from me. So, I have gone ahead and made some listings with swatches for now (I will update when I get around to making all the samples). This has resulted in 4 new listings, plus another that I don't think I highlighted very well before the holidays:

Black Skully Booties (choose your accent color!)
Choose from 11 accent colors!
Black Roller Skates (choose your accent color!)
Choose from 11 accent colors!
Mary Janes (choose your color!)
Choose from 10 shoe colors!
 Chucks High Tops (choose your color!)
Choose from 18 shoe colors!
Timberlands Work Boots

I don't always make posts like this, but you can usually find links to my new listings on facebook, twitter (and Google+ when I remember...heh). You can also always find my new listings on the New & Upcoming items page (click the link or use the tab at the top of the site). The New & Upcoming items page also lists products I am working on currently and hope to have listed soon, as in within a month. You can also find a list of future items, which are products I am planning out but currently do not have the time to sit down and make samples of. If you see something listed that is not available, but you are interested in, please just let me know and I will be happy to give you a description, mock-up, whip up a sample, or list a reserved item for you n_n the reason for why samples have been super delayed. Christmas, predominantly. I finished my last needed gift Christmas morning. In fact it was lace and never even got blacked (not that my sister much cared, in fact she is a knitter herself and I don't think she has even bothered to block it since!). Then I was trying to finish the same sister's gift from last year (I ran out of an expensive yarn) before she flew back to Japan, which did not happen. It almost did and now it is waiting to be bound off and blocked because she said to hold off on sending it as she may be ordering stuff to the house and then I can make 1 shipment. I also basically finished my boyfriend's blanket! Finally! The backing is only sewed to the two  long sides, so when he comes home for spring break I will need to seam the top and bottom, and tack it down in some places as it gets billowy, but it is useable and awesome.

So that takes us until 3 weeks ago lol. Now I am working on new samples for the bridal party mittens (the original yarn did not make a mitten as nice as I wanted for wedding pictures), this includes one full mitten to make sure the bride likes the look and to decide which of the 3 button options works best, and 4 swatches just to give an idea of how the other patterns will look once knit (as currently we had been working with mock-ups in excel). This is taking most of my free knitting time as she and the bridesmaids are going dress shopping this month! I want to make sure she likes the look so that once dresses are picked I can find matching yarn and get moving. I am also in the midst of designing a gift for my friend's two year old daughter, so that project is currently a secret but you will see pictures in the future and it may even become a purchasable item in my shop. I've also had a few non-official requests, so if the requesters follow up with details of what they want you could see some fingerless mitts, slippers, and maybe a Pokemon plush soon!

Well back to knitting, work, and school! See you guys next week n_n